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Frank Harris


The life and works of Frank Harris.

Amatsia from Oxford

Just finished reading Life and Loves – what a fascinating book and what a delightful person! Doesn’t his objection to the Boer war in volume 4 remind us of the arguments heard today over the Iraq fiasco? A major superpower engages in an expensive and immoral adventure because of one person’s determination to conclude an ‘unfinished business’, and… well, because they can! There is of course the bad guy – his loathing of The Kaiser (and putting part of the blame on him) is not far removed from our own attitude to Saddam.

Anne from Melbourne, Australia

I have a copy of the book "My Darling Daisy" written by Theo Lang (1965) which relates to Lady Daisy Warwick attempting to blackmail King George V in 1914 in relation to letters written to her by the King's father, King Edward VII (written when he was both Prince of Wales and King). Frank Harris assisted Lady Warwick with the blackmail plan which included the threat to publish the letters and memoirs in America if not paid a large sum of money.

Diana McRae, Post Falls USA

I have happily found a copy of 'My life and loves'. I have not read such an entertaining book for a long time. It does not really matter that some of it may be untrue Harris was from Ireland home of the Blarney! I find his attempt to be as honest about his life very refreshing for the time in which he lived. I find the character of Frank Harris totally wonderful, a man determined to educate himself about everything and especially about the erotic needs and pleasures of women, a very unusual thing for the time. Good for you Frank.

Wes from Phoenix but 17 yrs in Lawrence

two things...Frank Harris is mentioned in a book called The Golden Voice see as a bouncer at The Eldridge House bar, an establishment still... the Kate Stephens scholarship is unofficially known as the "get the hell out of the midwest scholarship" -- Scholarship for KU graduate in humanities or social sciences who plans to attend graduate school east of the Alleghenies or west of the Rockies. Given every three years. to which a friend greatly availed...