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A letter from Amanda

"God in the heavens high", I exclaimed, and tore the envelope open as a wolf would a lawyer's throat, digesting the contents with a rapidity hitherto unequalled by man or mortal.

- from Helen Huddleson.

[see page for transcript]

This brief letter was tipped-in to a copy of the first edition of Irene Iddesleigh. It reads as follows:-


Larne Harbour

Friga's day [Friday]


My Dear Sir

I have just received through my publishers your esteemed order, which I now forward.

Verily Thine

Amanda M. Ros


H. P. Thompson Esq.

To see a much larger image of the letter. click on the one above.

It would seem that Amanda had bought the publisher's remainder stock and was fulfilling orders herself at this date. Note also that she had named her house "Iddesleigh".

Nestling alongside this page of the Oasis of Futurity you may find the Shelf of Classic, the Rocks of Regard and other Matters Miscellaneous.


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