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I Was a Cannibal

Bro. Yhugm, Rev. W. V. Grant
Grant's Faith Clinic
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I Was a CannibalBrother Yhugm's tale is an exciting one. Escaping from a life of primitive savagery, he came to the USA and found Jesus. Who could fail to be moved by such an astonishing and true story?

That his name is spelled one way on the cover and a different way inside (Yungm) has surely no bearing on the credibility of the content. It's a funny foreign name and easy to get wrong. A mistake anyone could make, even a man of God. No one should doubt what he says, even when it seems a little bizarre:

Clothing is not used in the, place from where I come. We only use hides from animals; tigers, lions, etc. We also get our food from those animals. One eats the raw meat from these animals—not cooked. Eating raw meat is what makes my people very strong.

Sometimes the people get very fat. Many cannot run because they are very fat. But they are very strong.

They can conquer an animal with their bare hands, be it a lion or a tiger. But it is not all of them that can do this. The majority of them have the ability to run faster than a horse. The older ones are the ones who can do this.

Just because no one else has reported the existence of tigers in the jungles of South America is no reason to pooh-pooh what he (via the estimable Reverend Grant) tells us. There must be tigers, otherwise how could the following episode have happened:

Once when I was travelling among the mountains, a tiger came at me. But what was really good about this is, we were both babies. The tiger was just a small babe, and I was small also. I was able to conquer him. He only scratched me about three times. I strangled him with all my heart and might. My father was very happy when I got home with it on my shoulders. It was the first time I had ever done that. My father hugged me and carried me all over. He took very good care of me. I was the baby of all. Through that incident, I was encouraged to continue hunting in this way.

I would go all by myself among the mountains. I would meet all sorts of animals there. I would also come in front of the plants that would devour people. These plants can eat a lion or a tiger. The plants have leaves spreading around. If you fall in there, it can get a hold of you, and it wraps you and takes you into the middle. Some prongs are stuck in you and the blood is sucked out of you. When you fall in there, only the bones are left. Where you see these plants,

you see different kinds of bones of different animals. Someone who didn't know about this would think that some animal had just died there. There are several of these plants.

Plants that can eat a lion or tiger! Gosh, this is gripping stuff, isn't it? There's lot of carnivorousness to this part of his story, not all of it very nice:

The people where I am from, eat people. They take a white person, tie and bind him, and kill him. Then they cut off his head and start eating him, all of him, until they finish him completely, even the bones.

Unhappily, one day while out in the jungle the young Yhugm falls into the hands of evil slavers. He escapes from their boat but finds himself lost out on the ocean, floating on a life-raft. Eventually he lands in El Salvador where after a period hiding out in the mountains he is taken in by a family who teach him Spanish. He starts taking an interest in Christianity and decides he must travel to the US.

When he finally reaches the Land of the Free, some tiresome immigration officials want to know who he is and where he has come from. He fobs them off by making constant references to Jesus, and somehow avoids being deported. One can't help feeling that the US border police were a tad lackadaisical in this case. Tut, tut.

It is not long before Yhugm comes upon the Pentecostalists and the remarkable Brother Grant. An ignorant person might consider that being a Christian preacher is nothing like as fun as eating white men or strangling tigers, but Yhugm knows otherwise:

One night I saw Evangelist, W. V. Grant, from Dallas, Texas, under a heavy anointing of God's spirit. The blind saw; the lame walked; the deaf heard. I thought, "This is a ministry like Jesus had." Scores of people came forward seeking God. They were filled with the Spirit. I said, "This is beautiful. This is what I want and have been hungry for all my life."

A happy ending to an extraordinary tale, one I am sure you will agree is equally persuasive throughout.

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Submitted by Mary Murray (not verified) on 13 Apr 2013 - 00:47 Permalink

I personally met this man of God Bro.Yhugum when I was a child. My mother carried me to revival in East Praire Mo. He laid hands upon me and prayed for me. I believe his story simply because: in fact there were real cannibalism going on and the details are so explicit. If you had met him like I did you would believe too!

Submitted by Phyllis Franklin (not verified) on 23 May 2015 - 22:37 Permalink

He Use to stay with My Husband and in Indianapolis, In. " I have Pictures to Prove It." He was A Good Man, And funny about some of our ways. We Pastor Here Still Today. Still have His book too. If anyone knows where He is Today Please let us know. Last Time we saw Him, He was working out of Sweetwater, Tenn. My Husband Got Him several Places to Speak, and Everyone loved Him.

Submitted by Chico Dominguez (not verified) on 09 Sep 2014 - 14:55 Permalink

I know this man personally. I am in contact with him , now in the present. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
The story is true. The man who published it is NOT a man of God. He took advantage of Brother Yhugm and used it for his gain. Yhugm does ministry for the Gospel and has helped many people. He is still alive and can be reached if needed.

Submitted by Cecil Rumsey (not verified) on 30 Jul 2015 - 01:12 Permalink

hey this is brother Cecil Rumsey. You use to stay with me and my family in west Frankfort Illinois about 30 years ago. I'd like to see you again! You can contact me at 618-923-1403

Submitted by Cecil Rumsey (not verified) on 30 Jul 2015 - 01:12 Permalink

hey this is brother Cecil Rumsey. You use to stay with me and my family in west Frankfort Illinois about 30 years ago. I'd like to see you again! You can contact me at 618-923-1403

Submitted by Cecil Rumsey (not verified) on 30 Jul 2015 - 01:11 Permalink

hey this is brother Cecil Rumsey. You use to stay with me and my family in west Frankfort Illinois about 30 years ago. I'd like to see you again! You can contact me at 618-923-1403

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 30 Aug 2011 - 11:34 Permalink

Grant went to prison for tax evasion in 1996. As soon as he got out he went right back to convincing the gullible, the desperate, and the senile to fork over their money. I almost wish that hell was real, just for the pleasure of imagining him roasting in it.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 28 Aug 2011 - 20:15 Permalink

In fact the word Tigre, which is standard Spanish for tiger, is used widely in South America to mean a Jaguar. (Not that I beilive the story).
Submitted by FrancoisTremblay (not verified) on 28 Aug 2011 - 10:11 Permalink

I believe it exactly as much as I believe all the stories of Christians who used to be into heavy metal bands and constantly on drugs.