I present a few of the events supposedly foretold (by an arcane and contrived method of taking dates from measurements of the turnings in the internal passageways of the pyramid):
- 4000 BC. The year of man's creation. Any evidence of man before this date must obviously be wrong, as unbiblical.
- 2344 BC. The Great Flood.
- Saturday October 6, 4 BC. Birth of Christ.
- Friday April 7, AD 30. Death of Christ.
- AD 1558. Start of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
- 25 January, 1844. Amongst other items, the passing of the Bank Charter Act.
- August 2, 1909. Czar of Russia met King Edward and inspected the Great Fleet at Clowes.
- December 2, 1924. 'On this date the new English Parliament met for the first time, after the Labour Party Parliament, which resigned, had been in power only 286 days'.
You would be entitled to think it a little odd that good King Enoch went to all that trouble to forecast a relatively minor date in British political history, but in Riffert's loopy worldview this is perfectly natural. For Riffert was one of the British-Israelites, who believed that the British were in fact the ten lost tribes of Israel, and hence God's Chosen People.
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When I started to write up this page I did a little research and found that not only are the British-Israelites still extant, they are active on the net, and indeed willing to sell you Riffert's book, in its 1960 edition, for a mere ten US dollars. Of course British-Israelism is a thinly disguised form of racism, intended to justify a feeling of superiority in white British and American people, and to get around the awkward fact that in the Old Testament of the Christian bible, it is the Jews that are the chosen ones.
For every faction there is a counter-faction: in the case of the British-Israeli movement it falls into two groupings: the first are relatively sane Christian groups who wish to point out the racist and highly selective reading of scripture that underlies their views, and the second are a completely demented and paranoid bunch who think the British-Israelites are nothing more than Communists in disguise, infiltrating the US and plotting its destruction. Interestingly Riffert and some of his contemporaries did call themselves socialists, and gave their support to the British Labour party, but then so did the fascist Oswald Mosley. Certainly the current British-Israeli movement and its allies would be seen as belonging to the political right-wing by most temperate observers.
What really sets the mind a-boggling is the fact that a book which makes such huge claims for the prophetic qualities of the pyramid, but which failed to predict the second world war, (in all fairness it did foretell the collapse of the 'world economic order' in 1953 - surely we all remember that?), should not only be still read but actually quoted as an authoritative source.
“Why”, I can hear that rhetorical device, the presumed reader, asking, “do you proclaim that you like this book?” Frankly, I have a soft spot for monumental wrongheadedness, though it is true that when the wrongheads start conglomerating it is probably time to put more money into education. Simply put, this book is funny - if you find that sort of thing amusing. To allow you to judge, I'll finish this page with a little of Georgie at his barmiest and best:-
The Magna Charta of England provides that wheat shall be sold according to a measure called the “London Quarter.” This in turn is just a fourth of what is known as the Anglo-Saxon “Chaldron.” Now one of the amazing things about the “COFFER” or lidless stone chest in the King's Chamber is that it holds EXACTLY ONE CHALDRON or 4 LONDON QUARTERS of wheat, and that the COFFER, CHALDRON AND ARK OF THE COVENANT HAVE ALL THE SAME CUBIC CAPACITY. It would seem that this evidence alone would establish, beyond question, the identity of the British as Israel.
(Aren't those emphatic capitals just perfect?)
More pyramidiocy: Pyramid Power.
Alfred, why are you so racist
Alfred, why are you so racist? Doncha know that white people have NEVER done anything wrong? (well you know, apart from colonialism, neo-liberalism, the apartheid, and various wars of oppression, but those don't count) Do you make it a habit of pissing in churches? Why do you piss in churches, Alfred? Don't you know pissing in churches is even worse than pissing in pools? Why do you hate Christianity? Is it because of the Inquisition, the Crusades, the extermination of native people, the contraception bans, the sectarian wars, or the attacks on our educational system? But Alfreeeeeeed, Christianity is awesome! Stop laughing at our good Christian books or I'll tell on you!
in 1979 i got really into
Thanks for the interesting
Thanks for the interesting summary, Roy. I had failed to spot this glaring flaw myself, but now you point it out, it's obvious. Have a go at the Bible Code next, if you like to have fun with woo-woo maths.
Just shut the fuck up
Alfred you seem to have alot
Christian, if that is indeed
Christian, if that is indeed your name, you are on the way to earning the title of most consistently idiotic commenter on this site, which is quite an achievement. Well done, you.
Here's a clue: your idea of me is so wrong it's hilarious. It'll make it much easier for me to sneak up on you and give you a wedgie, which is my planned next move. Look out!
why do you hate white people
Are all white people like
Are all white people like you? Then I guess I don't know any. Hang on though ...
I guess you support muslim
Good grief.So it's moral to
Good grief.
So it's moral to be a racist, but immoral to point out racism when you see it? Just fuck off.
Alfred Armstrong are you
A man who asks me if I am
A man who asks me if I am black claims not to be racist? And of course, only a black person could possibly detect a racist undercurrent in the idea that the British are amongst God's chosen people.
The principle that one group of people is singled out by birth and has a special destiny is racist. That's by definition. Sorry for pointing out this glaring fact. I know there are plenty of other reasons for pooh-poohing the preposterous and baseless nonsense you peddle, but that one can't be ignored. Being "friendly" to the Jews doesn't make you a non-racist, in fact it's arguably evidence to the contrary. What about all the other so-called races of man? Are you friendly to them as well?
How can he possibly know
My Dad told me that the
My Dad told me that the dimensions of the arc are written in the bible, but then he talks a lot of shit so you need to use your Google app. I heard that Jesus wasn't a carpenter he was a tailor. He designed the strange stuck in the seventies look that Christians always dress in.
Not wanting to lend any
Not wanting to lend any credibility to this nonsense, but it's in Exodus 25:10.
By my rough calculations the volume of a London chaldron is about 4 times larger than the dimensions given there. (Even if it was spot on, there are so many ancient volumetric measures for different goods that you always could find one that fitted, so it means bugger-all in any case.)