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Submitted by James F Bark lll (not verified) on 17 Oct 2024 - 17:34 Permalink

I saw this book in a old 1974 catalog and it is as hilarious as the Movie REEFER MAdNESS- totally put of touch with the reality of the modern e
World! One must never forget what Cervantes
Said "What man pretends to know the riddle of a woman's mind?" No two people on earth are alike so the dynamics of a human relationship will always differ! Go with the flow or get out if you can't stomach it! Life is too short to Live in misery!

Submitted by John (not verified) on 30 Dec 2023 - 14:25 Permalink

Thanks for this review. I have fond memories of a Herter book from my childhood about woodcraft and I thought that this would be about dog ownership and hunting dog training so I'm glad to not waste my money on it. I myself have lived with many fine bitches of the four legged variety.

Submitted by John (not verified) on 30 Dec 2023 - 14:21 Permalink

Thanks for this review. I have fond memories of a Herter book from my childhood about woodcraft and I thought that this would be about dog ownership and hunting dog training so I'm glad to not waste my money on this. I myself have lived with many fine bitches of the four legged variety.

Submitted by James Clayton (not verified) on 24 Apr 2023 - 10:05 Permalink

It doesn't sound to me like the commenter claiming to be the author is the outdoorsman I met cruising timber for SUPERIOR FORESTRY. I have a signed first edition from when I worked in the Northwoods and still have the HERTER'S aluminum, square-stern canoe in the backyard. I prefer horses and dog sports to motor vehicles and motor sports myself. And I recommend many of Herter's recommendations including faithful monogamy, if serial because at least so-called American women have been wrecked. For all you Morons (Dolmage) out there, I recommend the essay though not necessarily the comments in "“OK, Boomer”: Are Boomers Solely to Blame for Our National Decline?" by another man. You'll be the better for it.

Gun Control is one shot, one kill. Self-defense is common sense, not an equitable servitude subject to infringement. Mind your own business avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons (Hardin).

Submitted by Heather Campbell (not verified) on 10 Aug 2020 - 21:51 Permalink

Yep. Still laughing. This title caught my eye in a cookbook, of all places: “American As Apple Pie“, Phillip Stephen Schultz; page 236, in a comment box regarding another book by Herter and his wife Berthe, titled “Bull Cook and Authentic Recipes and Practices”. Now that one, I’d love to get my hands on. Anyway, that it exists at all proves that the two must have managed to tolerate each other more than one might guess.
Thanks for the fun review!!

Submitted by mongo (not verified) on 16 Sep 2019 - 19:32 Permalink

his new book "how not to be worthless cuck who bows down because she has a vigina" excellent read 5 stars

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 23:25 Permalink

What government? What government? The one that takes 40 to 50% of you income and then tells you that your are to stupid to know ho to spend it anyway. That one.

Unless of course you ALREADY ARE SUCH A STUPID MORON that you don't already know what government and then they just pat you on the head and say "Nice subject person". That one.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 23:20 Permalink

What drugs are you taking? We really want to know? How can anyone get so F'd up without some MAJOR chemical assistance? Make that MAJOR, MAJOR Undiscovered universe chemical assistance.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 23:18 Permalink

The Great and Powerful Alfred has spoken!!! And no matter what "you or anyone else thinks" you are WRONG! WRONG he says!!! So there!!!! The Great and Powerful Alfred has determined the "this book is a collection of unremarkable ramblings of little interest apart from its provocative (great $5 word there Alfred) title." So let it be written! So let it be done! The all mighty has spoken. No more can be said.

Or can it??? Well OF COURSE it can! Oh happy day!

Alfred, where are your books? Provocative titles not withstanding? Where are your remarkable ramblings? Nowhere. That's where. How abut you take another try at it me boy and see if you can actually say something this time? Eh?

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 23:09 Permalink

Sorry there Anon, but being more retarded than Muslim men is simply no a physical possible. Because on the retarded scale there are no negative numbers that would allow American men to go any lower. Except maybe for you.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 23:01 Permalink

What? What? Do YOU really think this sort of thing makes some sense? Because it doesn't. With comments like these, I'd hide behind a moniker like anonymous too...

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:58 Permalink

What? "Nice one"? Is that the best you can do? All that and you come up with "nice one"???? Nice one what? Would you are to at least try to add some substance to that limp and useless comment? Some small meager content for those of us out here in E-land who at least try to get some meaning for the meaninglessness of the internet population liek you who seem to think a few words meaningless words actually adds something to the vast nothingness?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:53 Permalink

Or like Anonymous and a brain.... With the thoughts you'd be thinkin' you could be another Lincoln, if you only had a brain.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:50 Permalink


Get yourself a vibrator. There are many women who don't seem to be able to snicker without some help....

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:37 Permalink

Not as disturbing as I find you! Stop blubbering about your dysfunctional family (oh how modern you are) and what a jerk your old man was. Pull your head out of your ass, take a look around and live you life. Seems to me the worst thing your old man apparently ever did was not get a vasectomy before you we born. Or maybe he did and the mail man got in there when he was away at work or something.

In the mean time we "poor souls" are going to have some fun while you whine about all the bad things everyone else did to you that was SOOOOOO terrible.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:28 Permalink

The one that know how to spell promiscuity and knows what it means. That one. The one you apparently never heard of. No need to bring back the more old-fashioned stupidity as you suggest, You seem to be doing fine with the current version.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:16 Permalink

Sex four time in four years. You have indeed described a small corner of hell. And I am assuming those four times were not just with yourself, which would be another. You could of course, tell her to shut the hell up, take of her clothes and get down to business. You'd be amazed how much of what you describe you can put up with if you are getting laid of a regular basis. Goes for her too. Hell hath no fury like a woman un-fucked. Or so they say.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:12 Permalink

Maybe if you had learned even the merest semblance of grammar, spelling (there is spell check here you know) and punctuation, someone might think you are not just a complete idiot. Just an idiot who knows grammar, spelling and punctuation. But alas, they don't and you don't.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:03 Permalink

Sounds like a KEEPER!!! just let me know the next time she lets you borow your alls for a few hours so we can get some fishing in... If you had my book you wouldn't have this problem!

George L. Herter.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 21:58 Permalink

You hurt my feelings you mean person... I would do as you apparently would do - Run away! Hide under the bed! Move out. But I'm afraid you would have already taken all the good places.... or that I might actually run into you wherever I go. Far safer to live with the bitch...

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 21:54 Permalink

Twit says you? Twerp say I!!! From my reading of the internet it is just electronic hokum. No one says anything new, had any real insight - they just repeat tired worn out phrases from every other not wit they have read. And they do it with anonymity far removed from any repercussions. At least I put my real name on my writing and was available in person fro anyone who wanted to call me out on anything I wrote.

George L. Herter.

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 19 Jan 2018 - 10:13 Permalink

Thanks, Brent. I hope it's not only Americans who can "keep at it". By George, sir, when we are roused, we British will do our bit.


Submitted by Brent D (not verified) on 19 Jan 2018 - 03:06 Permalink

Oh my God, this review and chain of comments are so good. So good! From the spaceship quote, to the allegory ending, and the insert of the thoughts on marriage-counseling... gold. Choice humor. I was laughing out loud, but then the commentary...

Our man screaming, the wonderful man with his fishing metaphor, the lady defending men being men, ‘only do occasional nice things’, the man attacking the writer of the review! Oh, this is so good, by god, this is some fine plucking and clacking at the ol’ QWERTY! Ha, by god, ha, mighty fine. MIGHTY FINE! Keep at it America!

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 19 Jan 2018 - 10:13 Permalink

Thanks, Brent. I hope it's not only Americans who can "keep at it". By George, sir, when we are roused, we British will do our bit.


Submitted by Michael Fry Po… (not verified) on 21 Dec 2017 - 13:28 Permalink

I inherited a copy of this from my father, it was a sexual education that i'll never forget. He passed away when i was a lad and much to young for the talk so basically this is how i learnt about sex from a 1971 book. By the way i'm a 26 year old male and this book changed my life for the better, later

Submitted by Ellie (not verified) on 17 Aug 2013 - 15:29 Permalink

You made me snicker! I've never actually have done it before. Thank you, rather enjoyed it.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:50 Permalink


Get yourself a vibrator. There are many women who don't seem to be able to snicker without some help....

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 30 May 2013 - 11:54 Permalink

What "sanitized, PC world"? Have you been on that internet thing? And do you really think Herter's ramblings are other than unremarkable? This is nothing to do with his beliefs: if you look around this site you'll find plenty of examples of right-wing writing that are quite extraordinary, and I say so. Try The Leftist ESP Conspiracy, for example, or The World's Greatest Conspiracy Volume 1.

Submitted by Tony D (not verified) on 29 May 2013 - 20:23 Permalink

No, writing books and selling them makes one an author. Herter did that. He sold many books and built an empire. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make his books devoid of value. The NYT homage to him is proof of that. The guy started his business in the 30s. He smoked around his kids, threw trash out the car window, tossed his kids in the bed of a pick up, and drank from a garden hose. Guess what? EVERYBODY did back then, and most survived. Herter was often wrong but never in doubt. In a sanitized, PC world, his ludicrous rantings are to be savored. I notice that those who preach celebrating diversity only do so when it doesn't collide with their own beliefs. In your own way you are just as narrow-minded as Herter, and just as dogmatic (e.g. "whatever you think this book is a collection of unremarkable ramblings" sounds a lot like "the only way to prepare endive is by boiling it in butter").

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 30 May 2013 - 11:54 Permalink

What "sanitized, PC world"? Have you been on that internet thing? And do you really think Herter's ramblings are other than unremarkable? This is nothing to do with his beliefs: if you look around this site you'll find plenty of examples of right-wing writing that are quite extraordinary, and I say so. Try The Leftist ESP Conspiracy, for example, or The World's Greatest Conspiracy Volume 1.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 28 Jan 2012 - 18:25 Permalink

I recently found this book among my deceased father's belongings. I cannot describe how astonishingly ignorant this book is - made me sick to my stomach - needless to say, ours was a dysfunctional family full of anger, bitterness and shame .. I have no idea if my father ever took this crap seriously, though he did share many of these opinions. An ironic title should be "How to ruin a marriage, F*** up your kids, and make the world a fearful and bitter place to live in." This review is spot-on - I can't believe anyone would take this book seriously; either be amused, or profoundly horrified realizing some poor souls do. Sex education, migration, psychiatry, drugs and politics are other topics this bombastic arse expounds upon. I admit, I personally found this book disturbing.
Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:37 Permalink

Not as disturbing as I find you! Stop blubbering about your dysfunctional family (oh how modern you are) and what a jerk your old man was. Pull your head out of your ass, take a look around and live you life. Seems to me the worst thing your old man apparently ever did was not get a vasectomy before you we born. Or maybe he did and the mail man got in there when he was away at work or something.

In the mean time we "poor souls" are going to have some fun while you whine about all the bad things everyone else did to you that was SOOOOOO terrible.