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Submitted by Cheryl (not verified) on 23 Aug 2017 - 20:10 Permalink

*Looks at the rather cute cover* It's the TARDIS! In 1957! The artist was evidently the only person here with precognitive powers.

Submitted by Lord Kefka (not verified) on 29 Sep 2010 - 21:23 Permalink

Ha! Your experience with the hypnotist is strikingly similar to the plot of a movie I watched recently. It was a Mystery Science Theater version of The Undead in which a hypnotist regresses a girl back to her past life where she is about to be executed for being a witch. Its playable on netflix or you can watch it here: Seems appropriate since this site is a bit like mst3k for books.
Submitted by aria brayton (not verified) on 10 Oct 2009 - 14:33 Permalink

Homosexuals, Huguenots. What the heck. They all begin with h. Screamingly funny, Mr. Armstrong!
Submitted by JKG (not verified) on 05 Oct 2009 - 22:44 Permalink

"Lobotomy, anyone?" Thanks, but I'm trying to give them up. Do have one yourself, though. Or a magnesium pill.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 05 Oct 2009 - 20:58 Permalink

You win a prize for pretentious use of the word "sans" and irrelevant linkery. Also for half-wittedly defending a book I doubt you've read.

Are you by any chance the same idiot who took me to task for knocking Mussolini?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 05 Oct 2009 - 19:31 Permalink

Ya gotta love Posters that deride& dismiss stuff with a curt comment, sans giving the subject& it's author,who has devoted years on research, even a bit of consideration ...ah,the Power of the Ego! Would that the rest of us could live in such a black&white world. Lobotomy,anyone? BTW, please take a look at:
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 05 Oct 2009 - 20:58 Permalink

You win a prize for pretentious use of the word "sans" and irrelevant linkery. Also for half-wittedly defending a book I doubt you've read.

Are you by any chance the same idiot who took me to task for knocking Mussolini?

Submitted by JKG (not verified) on 05 Oct 2009 - 18:55 Permalink

This book's a hoot - if it wasn't so alarming. It reminds me of the quacks who took me for lots of money during the nine years my bipolar illness was misdiagnosed. One proposed to "regress" me by hypnosis to a previous existence to enable me to stop myself being burnt at the stake as a witch. Thank God I still had my wits about me enough to say "thanks, but no thanks". And all the Chinese herbs gave me was an upset stomach and a ruined saucepan!
Submitted by Lord Kefka (not verified) on 29 Sep 2010 - 21:23 Permalink

Ha! Your experience with the hypnotist is strikingly similar to the plot of a movie I watched recently. It was a Mystery Science Theater version of The Undead in which a hypnotist regresses a girl back to her past life where she is about to be executed for being a witch. Its playable on netflix or you can watch it here: Seems appropriate since this site is a bit like mst3k for books.
Submitted by Ian Kearey (not verified) on 05 Oct 2009 - 11:26 Permalink

As a sufferer from chronic depression, I needed a lift this morning - and Dr 'Connell' has given me just that. Away with the medication and CBT therapy: it's ESP for me from now on! Dear God. Oy vey.
Submitted by FrancoisTremblay (not verified) on 05 Oct 2009 - 10:52 Permalink

Sounds very much like old man Hubbard and his nonsense about engrams (memories accompanied by pain) causing most illnesses. Incidentally, Dianetics was written seven years before this book. Could it be that...? Naaaah. Or could it?