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Is this book cracking or crummy? Read my review and get the inside dope

How to Live with a Bitch

George Leonard Herter
The Author
Edition / Year
In the section labelled

How to Live with a BitchWhat a title, eh? Sadly it isn't quite the full-on male chauvinist rant one might hope for: rather, Herter comes across as a cranky old geezer, possessed of numerous largely reactionary opinions which he unfortunately feels driven to express.

One of the eternal follies of old age is the delusion that you have a duty to record your insights into the nature of humanity before you perish, overlooking the fact that they are already common currency in every bar or taxicab in the world. In this respect, Herter is somewhat out of the common in that one might have to visit as many as three drinking establishments in a large town before finding his equal.

 "I wrote this book to show that husbands and wives have a very difficult time of getting along", he states in his very brief introduction, incongruously placed beneath the book's copyright notice. On the evidence of this volume, in Herter's own marriage this difficulty may be intensified if at home he is as prone to enunciate his strong ideas - on such subjects as sex education (good), birth control (bad), psychiatry (very bad), the national debt (bad), God (very good), opinion polls (bad) - as often and at such length as in the book.

As well as these fascinating byways, Herter stays on topic long enough to give us two whole chapters on the subject of marriage, in which we learn, for example, that:

A girl more intelligent than yourself that will not play the role of being equally or less intelligent than you is a loser for the long pull.


In Asia or the East as it is sometimes referred to, women are for the most part brought up to be submissive to men. Divorce is rare, I have talked to many of these women and in no case have found them unhappy with their lot.

(Mr Herter is just the sort that women confide in, so I'm sure we can trust his judgement).

His chapter on how to prevent divorce also informs us that nuclear reactors are very dangerous, and that men should not wear long hair. It also supplies this insight:

I am for progress to a degree but as yet have not become used to automobiles. I still prefer horses, say nothing about travelling in space ships.

The book is capped off nicely with an example of a form popular with self-published authors, a political allegory which demonstrates how simply the world could be put to rights if only humanity would come to recognise the sheer common sense of the author's views. In Herter's story a war hero with the transparent name of Paul Neetriht becomes President and establishes a supposedly benevolent form of dictatorship, with low taxes, no foreign aid and an interesting approach to dissent:

Paul quietly got the athiests and birth selectors out of public office and government control. No one was hurt, they were just gotten out and they knew better than to make a fuss.

Yes, that's democracy, folks.

We are not given any indication of what Herter's wife might have thought about his writings, though I doubt she was flattered by its title. Hopefully, she was inspired to write her own book in response, called perhaps "How to Live With a Bore (While Pretending to be More of an Idiot Than He Is)".

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 03 Dec 2009 - 18:01 Permalink

After reading the comments here I know now that american men seem to be even more retarded than muslim men. You are a bunch of sad losers.
Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 23:09 Permalink

Sorry there Anon, but being more retarded than Muslim men is simply no a physical possible. Because on the retarded scale there are no negative numbers that would allow American men to go any lower. Except maybe for you.

Submitted by Jeannie (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 - 17:40 Permalink

And muslim men blow themselves up.. Don't you dare call American men losers.. American men have been fighting for the freedom of more countries then anyone else.. Your comment was uncalled for and completely out of place... now go blow yourself up ...
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 - 03:19 Permalink

I like to go fishing sometimes for peace and quiet.When i fish,we drift the boat.To slow it down we used what is called a "drouge". Its nickname is "The wife" because it slows you down! My bitch gets jealous if i enjoy myself and thinks she can should decide what i do.Just because she has no interests or hobbies that she finds fun.Control freak. I have had a few relationships in my time and there have been some common traits= 1.women dont like the word "No"....You are in for a big arguement if you use this word. 2.They remember all past nasties you have ever done to them(memory like an elephant) to dig up for future ammunition should you have a row. 3.They dont care if you are happy or not and want your attention all the time. 4.A lot of women are takers and not givers. 5.Mine is totally lazy and does nothing to help.Looks after herself.
Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:03 Permalink

Sounds like a KEEPER!!! just let me know the next time she lets you borow your alls for a few hours so we can get some fishing in... If you had my book you wouldn't have this problem!

George L. Herter.

Submitted by Serah (not verified) on 06 Jan 2011 - 17:08 Permalink

Sounds like you need to be married to someone like me... I am the polar opposite of what you described, and I truly feel sorry for the women who are as you described. They are missing out on a world of love and appreciation by treating their spouse no better than an animal. Yes there ARE good women out there who really know how to love a man. Maybe you will find one..... Blessings.... Serah
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 30 Oct 2009 - 12:31 Permalink

How an earth could any woman be unhappy when she has you to share her life with with, what with you being so generous, good-hearted and witty to boot? Astonishing!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 09 Jun 2009 - 09:22 Permalink

I loved that title. Majority of women are like that, controlling freaks if they can,,,, hahahaaahahhahaha Only exceptions are the women in the muslim world I guess. Their husbands fuck ton of other bitches , and they live with each other like sisters without complaining. I love that......
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 14 Apr 2009 - 14:12 Permalink

Sounds like a real gent. According to wikipedia (I know, not necessarily a completely reliable source) Mr Herter wrote several other books, most famously "Bull Cook and Authentic Historical Recipes and Practices (3 volumes)", "How to Get Out of the Rat Race and Live On $10 a Month" and, remarkably, "George the Housewife ". His wife was called Berthe, apparently. but "Berthe Herter" sounds too good to be true.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 13 Apr 2009 - 09:30 Permalink

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 03 Dec 2009 - 17:58 Permalink

But why oh why oh why do you live with her? Have you gone through lobotomy? Whatever you say of her makes one think you're ten times worse at all statements. Move you moron!
Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 21:58 Permalink

You hurt my feelings you mean person... I would do as you apparently would do - Run away! Hide under the bed! Move out. But I'm afraid you would have already taken all the good places.... or that I might actually run into you wherever I go. Far safer to live with the bitch...

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 14 Apr 2009 - 12:38 Permalink

Does she force you to keep your caps lock key on, as well? Poor you!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 - 01:20 Permalink

Wonderful--I have to say, thank you for reading these things so that we don't have to!
Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 23:01 Permalink

What? What? Do YOU really think this sort of thing makes some sense? Because it doesn't. With comments like these, I'd hide behind a moniker like anonymous too...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 - 23:31 Permalink

Alternate Title Suggestion: Love And Marriage - Together Like A Horse And Spaceship
Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:53 Permalink

Or like Anonymous and a brain.... With the thoughts you'd be thinkin' you could be another Lincoln, if you only had a brain.

Submitted by Ellie (not verified) on 17 Aug 2013 - 15:29 Permalink

You made me snicker! I've never actually have done it before. Thank you, rather enjoyed it.

Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:50 Permalink


Get yourself a vibrator. There are many women who don't seem to be able to snicker without some help....

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 06 Apr 2009 - 16:10 Permalink

Very good.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 24 Jan 2011 - 03:26 Permalink

This book is well worth $100, just for the read and to hear a perspective of life that has become illicit in the post modern world. Men used to be allowed to speak their opinions and people could listen or not. This was written when we still had free speech, and is as classic as Mark Twain.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 24 Jan 2011 - 09:52 Permalink

Haha. Yeah, nobody voices their opinion on the Internet, for example.


Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 21:54 Permalink

Twit says you? Twerp say I!!! From my reading of the internet it is just electronic hokum. No one says anything new, had any real insight - they just repeat tired worn out phrases from every other not wit they have read. And they do it with anonymity far removed from any repercussions. At least I put my real name on my writing and was available in person fro anyone who wanted to call me out on anything I wrote.

George L. Herter.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 - 19:05 Permalink

Nice one.
Submitted by George Herter (not verified) on 30 Jan 2018 - 22:58 Permalink

What? "Nice one"? Is that the best you can do? All that and you come up with "nice one"???? Nice one what? Would you are to at least try to add some substance to that limp and useless comment? Some small meager content for those of us out here in E-land who at least try to get some meaning for the meaninglessness of the internet population liek you who seem to think a few words meaningless words actually adds something to the vast nothingness?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Submitted by Richard (not verified) on 24 Jan 2011 - 03:35 Permalink

'Marriage Counselors, The kindest thing about marriage counselors is to say as little as possible as it is all bad. Marriage counselors try their best to make a living trying to tell people how to solve problems that they cannot solve. The very best marriage co9unselors are not as good as the average witch doctor. Actually, no one can solve your own marriage problems but you and your wife. It is very difficult and next to impossible to honestly and accurately tell or explain some of these problems to anyone. The person you tell them to may use highly questionable statistics to try to solve your problems. If he is honest, he will tell you that your chances of making these problems worse by trying to have an outsider solve them are great. He will warn you against bringing in relatives and neighbors to solve marital problems. Whether a priest or minister can solve any part of your marriage problems, depends to a large degree on the faith that you have in your particular religion and your religious laws regarding marriage and divorce. A priest or minister will usually do his best to help you solve marriage problems but you cannot expect them to be magicians. At present they both have plenty of their own problems that they cannot solve." Just very practical common sense advice - what is the harm in that????

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)