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Is this book notable or noxious? Read my review and get the inside dope

A Basic Guide to the Occult for Law Enforcement Agencies

Mary Jane Herold
The Author
Edition / Year
In the section labelled

A Basic Guide to the Occult for Law Enforcement AgenciesMs Herold's little handbook strives to alert police officers to the menace of the occult, though as it largely consists of statements of the obvious, it suggests that the guardians of the law must be even more stupid than is popularly thought.

For example, we learn that the signs of involvement in occult practices include:

  • a systematic use of symbols

  • obsession with fantasy role-playing, heavy black-metal rock groups and bizarre imagery

  • alleged or actual [my emphasis] psychic abilities

  • alleged communications with the dead

Who'd have guessed?

An unwary detective without this book to hand might fail to see the significance of further evidence of the presence of occultism:

  • afflicted effigies like voodoo dolls stuck with pins or otherwise mutilated

  • skulls with or without candles

  • runes

  • dried blood

  • rooms converted into dungeons or torture chambers

But beware, these vile necromancers can look just like anyone else, so the wise cop will learn the subtle signs of their maleficence:

  • tattoos - sexually perverse scenes, symbols [?], elaborate imagery [???], dripping blood

  • shaved head

  • black make-up

The bulk of the book is taken up by what Ms Herold calls "the ABC's [sic] of occultic language" - reproductions of symbols that she says are used to "conjure spirits, cast spells, and aid meditation". As well as the expected pentacles  goat's head, ankh and so on, she includes in her catalogue such innocuous items as an equilateral triangle ("pyramid", she says) and a simple circle. Be careful how how you decorate your child's nursery, lest you unleash dark forces.

More treats are to be found in Herold's occult glossary , in which we learn for example that the Necronomicon is a "potent" and "highly dangerous" book. but she reaches a mighty height with her conclusion, which I quote in full:

As law enforcement officers and agents, you frequently face danger from all kinds of people—drug addicts, pushers, prostitutes, pimps, the emotionally unstable, the mentally deranged—in short, the killers, rapists, and abusers of our society. Now, it is time for you to add occultists, witches, and satanists to your list of armed and dangerous characters.

For example, you might encounter a coven that is protected by an armed sentinel. (Those members with psychic abilities are preferred they can "see" you coming and "know" your intentions.) These devoted guardians will not hesitate to attack an invader, be he an innocent trespasser, adventurous curiosity-seeker, or a peace officer.

Here are some more points to remember:

  1. If a suicidal practitioner thinks you are a threat to his desire to die and reincarnate or resurrect, for example, he/she might very well kill or hurt you in his defense.
  2. Covens (and individual, solitary practitioners) are equipped with knives as ritual and ceremonial tools. Therefore, consider each qroup or individual as armed and potentially dangerous.
  3. You might encounter an occultist who seems to possess "superhuman" strength. Be on guard.
  4. Drug induced occultism, witchcraft, and satanism pose a double threat: the unpredictable effects of the drugs mixed with the deviations of the practices.

In conclusion, it is my hope that the information contained in this guide will prevent not only personal harm to you, but also will serve to preserve and protect the general public. If just one, innocent child is saved from being used as a human sacrifice—if just one, careless adult is spared the agony of physical and psychological destruction—if just one police officer or law enforcement agent returns to his or her family following a confrontation that otherwise would have resulted in injury or death—then my purpose will have been accomplished.

The fact that the news is rarely troubled by stories of ill-prepared police officers being attacked by superhuman suicidal psychics suggests that Herold's words have done their job. Hooray!

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 22 Jun 2008 - 23:32 Permalink

My guess is that most occult practicioners are harmless. If they sell their services they are probably con men - but how would you prove that? If they are themselves believers, then legally they do not differ from the more conventional churches and are protected by the 1st Amendment. The worst problem would be if the policeman were a believer, and killed someone he thought was "putting a spell" on him - I'm sure this has happened in some African countries. Here we have the bad example of the Salem witch trials and executions. But I can remember when Georgia and Virginia had laws against palmists - for all I know they still have such laws, but they have probably avoided making a test case lately.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 25 May 2009 - 12:29 Permalink

indeed this book results in discrimnation towards people who do deal with occult matters (eg wicca, pagan etc). Not every thing in the occult word is 'evil' in fact a lot of the bs about evil is spread by the catholic church to promote discrimination...