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Submitted by John van der Heyden (not verified) on 21 Feb 2023 - 14:52 Permalink

I am not a lunatic. I have been a teacher for children during ten years and studied Spanish language and literature during seven years. I have been the company director of the French Spanish Institute in The Netherlands. A joint venture with the Institute of English Studies. Member of the International Association of Language Centres. Spiritual father of the language school don Quijote in Salamanca. Thats why I called my new organization Instituto Cervantes. My legal Colleague in Spain is The King of Spain. That's why I needed an equal partner in the United Kingdom.

Submitted by Ed (not verified) on 04 Jul 2014 - 09:01 Permalink

I'm not surprised to learn that a garden variety lunatic was fixated on Diana, but I am surprised to learn that there's are Applebee's in the Netherlands. Is it mainly for tourists, or are they suffering from a shortage of chain restaurants that serve cheap booze and greasy, tasteless food?

Submitted by John van der Heyden (not verified) on 21 Feb 2023 - 14:52 Permalink

I am not a lunatic. I have been a teacher for children during ten years and studied Spanish language and literature during seven years. I have been the company director of the French Spanish Institute in The Netherlands. A joint venture with the Institute of English Studies. Member of the International Association of Language Centres. Spiritual father of the language school don Quijote in Salamanca. Thats why I called my new organization Instituto Cervantes. My legal Colleague in Spain is The King of Spain. That's why I needed an equal partner in the United Kingdom.