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Submitted by DG (not verified) on 02 Sep 2011 - 01:32 Permalink

Alfred, thanks for that. I researched it deeper and find I would much rather have "hypnagogia" then to think I'm someone like Joel Haley Osments' chararacter in the "Sixth Sense". I found this one article to be facinating. It does suggest however that because I am able to tap into this realm of consciousness, even unwilling, that I possess "psychic" tendencies. What do you think? Hypnagogia: A Bridge to Other Realities Yun-Wen Shaw " To dream and altogether not to dream. This synthesis is the operation of genius, by which both activities are mutually reinforced." Every night of every day, people everywhere retreat to their beds to sleep, and oftentimes to dream. Many of us are not aware however, that the many levels of consciousness we undergo during the stages of sleep offer a link between our conscious mind and its manifested dream world; perhaps even the possibility of another realm of cognition altogether. Hypnagogia, the deeply relaxed state of consciousness that occurs shortly prior to falling asleep, has been recognized for hundreds of years as a source of creative thought and intuition by a long list of distinguished philosophers, artists, and scientists, names of which include Aristotle and Albert Einstein (1). Research into hypnagogia is now shedding light on long-sought-for explanations of psychic abilities and creative intuition obtained outside direct sensory processes by revealing the possibility that our brain may have the ability to tap into other states of consciousness (6). The phenomenon of the hypnagogic hallucinations which occur in this period are characterized by a slideshow of highly condensed, discontinuous, and bizarre imagery of faces, figures, animals, print and writing. Also accompanying this is often hearing one’s name being whispered, hearing music, and undergoing temporary physical paralysis (4, 7). These visual, auditory, and physical stimuli, have been known to cultivate intuition, bring flashes of inspiration, and offer creative insight to those who experience them (1). During this fleeting psycho-physical state, people report randomly occurring visual and auditory experiences which are relatively more disconnected and short-lived when compared to dreams characteristic of REM sleep. Hypnagogia is in fact very common, occurring in 72 to 77 percent of the population, many are unaware of the phenomena (1). A possible physical explanation for Hypnagogia is rooted in the discovery of magnetite crystals in cells of the brain and meninges. It has been found that there are five million magnetite crystals per gram in the human brain, and twenty times that number in the meninges (2). These ‘biomagnetite crystals’ are oriented in the brain in a manner that maximizes their magnetic moment, thus allowing the crystals to act as a system, and marking the ability of the brain to sense energy fields (4). These crystals could very possibly be the cause and explanation behind psychic abilities, as well as the feelings of intuition during states of hypnagogia. Let us further explore how this phenomenon may be possible. Studies that show the proximity of the crystal-containing brain cells to the pituitary and pineal glands, have led researchers to propose that these glands may use information from the earth’s magnetic field to regulate the release of hormones in the brain, thus directly controlling conscious awareness levels (2). However, there is still no way to ’read’ the signals that might be carried by the brains magnetic emissions. Despite this being so, the evidence indicating the existence of these signals and their possible constitution of a means of communication between various parts of the brain, is very compelling. This is the system that many speculate to be that which selects the neural areas to be recruited, so that the appropriate state of consciousness can elicit the suitable phenomenological, behavioral, and affective responses (4). Studies have been done to show that various low intensity magnetic signals delivered to the temporal lobes indeed have a positive effect of producing various hallucinatory effects in the subject . Such effects include vestibular feelings in which one’s normal sense of balance is replaced by illusions of levitation and vertigo. Also experienced are transient ‘visions,’ whose context include motifs that appear in near-death experiences and alien abduction scenarios. Another neuromagentically elicited experience is bursts of emotion, most commonly fear and joy. Interestingly, all of these experiences very closely approximate those in the hypnagogic state. Further experimentation performed on monkeys has determined the temporal lobes to be the part of the brain which mediates various states of consciousness. EEG readouts from the temporal lobes are markedly different when a person is asleep and undergoing a hallucinogenic seizure, or on LSD. In this case, seizural disorders confined to the temporal lobes (complex partial seizures) were characterized as impairments of consciousness. In the study, monkeys were given LSD after having various parts of their brains removed. The monkeys continued to ‘trip’ no matter what parts of the brains were missing. Only in the case where both temporal lobes were removed did the substance seem to have no affect the monkeys at all. The conclusion inarguably shows that the temporal lobes, in addition to all their other functions (in aspects of memory, language, music, etc.), also function to mediate states of consciousness (4). The interpretation of hypnagogic images in some studies have seemed to provide striking examples not only of the existence of various states of consciousness, but also of clairvoyance and telepathy (7). In his book Hypnagogia, Andreas Mavromatis declares that "…hypnagogia gives rise to the insight that there are many realities and that what we call wakefulness merely constitutes one of them…hypnagogia suggests the evolutional possibility of a further expansion of consciousness, and poses a serious question concerning the nature of reality" (7). People have applied many different strategies to channel into the "powers of the hypnogic’ by means of meditation, hypnosis, spiritualism, hallucinogenic drug use, and others. Many hypnogists report states of instantaneous intuition, exhilaration with an inspired poem, mystical insights, and exquisite peaceful joy. Occultists believe they can tap into clairvoyant experiences in the hypnagogic. Others feel that they can engage in self-hypnosis so that they can achieve things they thought impossible or too difficult, by hypnagogic visualization (5). Hypnagogic stages of sleep, with all its hallucinatory imagery, tends to act as compelling explanations for many claims of alien or supernatural encounters. It is easy to imagine how an individual who has had a hypnagogic experience with sleep paralysis, who is not familiar with the neurological explanation, to likely interpret their strange experience in terms of their cultural beliefs or in other bizarre supernatural terms (2). Hypnagogia presets new dimensions of a true New Age exploration, waiting for us all to travel together into this New World. And if any are skeptical, we can gain confidence in our hypnagogic pursuits from the realization that we are following in the footsteps of some of the most creative, intuitive and influential human minds in history. After all, Aristotle and Einstein can’t be wrong.
Submitted by pseudonym (not verified) on 03 Sep 2011 - 16:36 Permalink

Isn't the article saying the opposite, that people interpreting their experience in a supernatural way do so through ignorance of the science of sleep (also a great movie). It is just as likely an alien, angel, pan dimensional being or ghost as it is to be a psychic vision, which is not to say that none of these are impossible just unlikely. Aristotle was wrong, he thought the sun orbited the earth because he misinterpreted his observations. Einstein could absolutely be wrong, he might even be wrong in a way that I'm not aware of because I'm not a physics expert, but the evidence all backs up his conclusions based on our current understanding of the universe but that could change tomorow though it would require a large amount of very compelling evidence. I would say something about confirmation bias but I'm not sure I could explain it well enough- But this book could be useful
Submitted by Phewmigation (not verified) on 03 Sep 2011 - 15:34 Permalink

DG, I heartily recommend tracking down a copy of Jurij Moskvitin's thought-provoking 'Essay on the Origin of Thought'. It is a work of 'subjective research', investigating his own hallucinatory experiences in a detailed and thorough manner.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 01 Sep 2011 - 18:14 Permalink

Alfred, when I was little, I use to think I was dreaming. But as I got older, I began to feel the difference. It's not that I wake from a dream up and reality may seem blurry. I have been woken up by full aparations standing at the foot of my bed. I take a few seconds and realize I am completely awake. It starts with a pulling sensation in my chest when I'm sleeping ( the closest way I can explain the feeling is if you take a breath in, then push it out through your mouth and keep straining to push air out, even when there is no more air...thats the feeling I get in my chest) I'm sleeping and then I feel that and it wakes me up and sure enough there is something either standing there, floating around or on the wall. At this point, I hate even opening my eyes after I become conscious because I don't want to see whats in the room. I see good spirits and I see bad ones. It's not hard to tell which one it is because of the colors that are around them. I know this sounds crazy and when I read this over I sound neurotic. But it's nothing I want, it's something I want to understand better. I have been living with it for so long, 30+ years. I know I'm not hallucinating. There are so many episodes, I don't even know where to begin. The one that is most peculiar is when I get "blown" on. Yep...I know it sounds funny, but imagine blowing on someones face? It's a quick, hard blow and it wakes me up. It freaks me out and makes me laugh at the same time because WTF is that? And I see nothing, just felt the air. So, for me to think I'm hallucinating out of a dead sleep is kind of hard to grasp. Plus...there are episodes when I'm awake and going about my day, but those aren't as intense as when I get woken up by them.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 01 Sep 2011 - 10:30 Permalink

DG, I am as you would expect, sceptical. But polite discussion of contrary views is welcomed. What I would ask you is how do you know that these experiences are supernatural? It is perfectly possible, I think, for sane people to experience hallucinations: how are you sure the occurrences you mention are not the creation of your own mind?

Submitted by Jaysin (not verified) on 01 Sep 2011 - 06:32 Permalink

Forget all that $250+ a book mess I have just gotten a copy of cyclomancy in pdf form. The quality of the book is so-so. If you want a copy I can e-mail it to. Only $15 through pay pal and it's all yours. My e-mail is Name: Jaysin Mood: Feelin great!
Submitted by DG (not verified) on 31 Aug 2011 - 20:55 Permalink

That was entertaining. I almost forgot why I visited this site. Like anything out of the ordinary, especially when it comes to the matters of the mind, people are going to be skeptical. Just like there are people that believe in ghosts and people who think it's a bunch of crap. I never had the choice to "believe" or not to "believe" in the supernatural/ghosts because I have been experiencing them as far back as I remember. It use to scare me like nothing else, sometimes it still does. But this doesn't make me crazy, it is what it is. ** Now don't go crazy on me Alfred, the reason I am looking for books is because also can sense I have some psychic ability. The problem is, I don't know how to control it. It just pops in and out, sometimes extremely strong and other times a confusing mess. I'm trying to "learn" it. Anyone else out there trying to do the same?
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 01 Sep 2011 - 10:30 Permalink

DG, I am as you would expect, sceptical. But polite discussion of contrary views is welcomed. What I would ask you is how do you know that these experiences are supernatural? It is perfectly possible, I think, for sane people to experience hallucinations: how are you sure the occurrences you mention are not the creation of your own mind?

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 10 Jul 2011 - 15:40 Permalink

There's a huge difference between saying, vaguely "everything is vibration" and making specific, exact predictions based on observation that eventually lead to new technologies. The computer you are using to convey your opinions was created through the application of the very scientific discoveries you pooh-pooh.  Do something comparable by magic, and we might be impressed.

If Cyclomancy is powerful, go on, show its power. Otherwise you will continue to resemble a flatulent windbag.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 10 Jul 2011 - 15:04 Permalink

Well, to burst your bubble Alfred, over 100 years ago, before your petty little government backed scientists came up with quantum THEORIES, and other molecular structure, string and whatever other theories they stole, there was a group/being by the name of "the three initiates" who detailed in a book called "The Kybalion" which enlisted 7 principles, that, everything is matter, everything vibrates in a certain rhythm at a certain frequency - these were as he claimed, esoteric teachings spawning back to Hermes Trismagistus of Egypt. (The 7 principles where, Principle of Mentalism Principle of Correspondence Principle of Vibration Principle of Polarity Principle of Rhythm Principle of Cause and Effect Principle of Gender Which through modern day science which you obviously entrust your undying ignorance and belligerence to, has confirmed ;) Furthermore to this petty arguement, the very "scientists" you believe in, back by the very governments that thrusted $100,000,000s into psychic research facilities both America, and Russia(KGB). It just seems for every discovery of ancient knowledge or "mystical power" we have ignorant fools to condemn and try to debunk it, although their philosophies are based upon its teachings, had they the sense to invest where these theories came from rather than stand by those theories like ardent fools then they'd realise "the truth is out there" in all fairness, do you think a scientist, who spends decades building credibility and a career in what they do would "risk" it on these "conspiratorial" ventures?! would you "throw away" your careers?! look what happened to the likes of David Icke when he first came out, he went from overnight star to overnight "joke" - and thats because of the small minded society which we live in, some people are so anal retentive its shocking
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 10 Jul 2011 - 15:40 Permalink

There's a huge difference between saying, vaguely "everything is vibration" and making specific, exact predictions based on observation that eventually lead to new technologies. The computer you are using to convey your opinions was created through the application of the very scientific discoveries you pooh-pooh.  Do something comparable by magic, and we might be impressed.

If Cyclomancy is powerful, go on, show its power. Otherwise you will continue to resemble a flatulent windbag.

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 08 Jul 2011 - 19:51 Permalink

Every time you open that gob, I can smell your Dominant Psychic Atmosphere. You sure you aren't practising the Parisian Halitotic Attack?

Not really a compelling example of the value of Cyclomancy, are you? "Fascinate others with your thoughts"? It's not working for me, mate.

Still I bet you make up for it with a pretty face.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 08 Jul 2011 - 19:21 Permalink

@Rob and Alfred *Yawn*
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 08 Jul 2011 - 19:51 Permalink

Every time you open that gob, I can smell your Dominant Psychic Atmosphere. You sure you aren't practising the Parisian Halitotic Attack?

Not really a compelling example of the value of Cyclomancy, are you? "Fascinate others with your thoughts"? It's not working for me, mate.

Still I bet you make up for it with a pretty face.

Submitted by Rob (not verified) on 07 Jul 2011 - 12:59 Permalink

Dear Anonymous, you seem to be a real genius and should consider a career at a university. You've taught me things about quantum physics that I'd never heard of – and I am a physicist, though, admittedly, not a very quantum one. As to your list of names of people claiming nonsense: William Tiller: Retired („emeritus“) professor of Materials Science and Engineering, makes money with the selling of books and DVDs where he claims that there are strange forces the existence of which he has failed to prove for the last 30 years. John Hagelin: Indeed a real physicist who has done some real and actually quite good work in physics but has some rather wierd beliefs which he has tried to prove with not very good methods. For instance he once put a few thousand meditating people in Washington, D.C. for a few weeks and claimed afterwards that that had lowered the rate of „violent“ crime by 18% - compared to what it (according to him) would have been without them. His calculations of the level of crime without Hippies lost in time included factors like the magnetic field of the earth... Sounds really convincing. In reality the frequency of some types of crime went down and that of others went up, without anything exceeding normal fluctuations. Apart from where the thousands of weirdos met, of course. No one would dare to mug someone in front of such a crowd. Fred Alan Wolf: Real physicist with some borderline ideas and some that are clearly beyond any border (mind and matter stuff), haven't heard too much about him, seen a few interviews where he talked a lot wihout actually telling anything. It's all „some force“, „some kind of plan that we can see in hindsight“, without any specific explanation of what he means. And lots of oversimplifications that make even the really existing parts of his claims rather bullshitty. Nick Herbert: Again a real physicist (though about as quantum as me) with some real experience and some weird ideas that were helped along with psychedelic substances. Obviously he has failed to prove any of them. So what I'm trying to say is: Yes, there are some people with a scientific degree claiming things that contradict science. Some of them do that because they can make more money that way, using their education as a shield against disbelieving people and complicated terms in order to confuse the layman, and some actually believe their own claims and do what every good believer does: Shut off their brains capability of recognizing illogicality when it comes to religion. None of them have anything aproaching a proof for their claims. And one more thing: The old „scientist x in the old days of y was persecuted for his believes, too!“ is not valid any more. In the „old days“ there was practically no science at all because religion was very mighty and science and education are the worst thing that can happen to any religion. Scientists weren't prosecuted by other scientists, but by the churches and other establishments relying on gullibility. Today every scientist would give his right foot, left hand and all of his hair for being able to prove one of the established theories wrong. But in order to be taken seriously you have to bring forth an explanation of some effect that until now couldn't be explained wihtout contradicting all the other effects that can be observed. What the people you listed did is just claiming the existence of effects that have never been observed, which is religion, not science. Yours, Rob. PS: Please excuse the long text. Was bored.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 07 Jul 2011 - 10:52 Permalink

Some scientists believe in God while others are atheists, so the formula that Professor X says Y is worthless.


As the delightfully-named whatthebleephead says, dropping a lot of names without citing specific papers or other publications does not move the argument on. If you know what these no doubt fine chaps said, then don't hold back: show us.

But we'll want to see specific evidence in support of what Young actually says, since even if these people do believe in mind over matter in some sense, that doesn't lead to the conclusion that Young's book has any substance either. Young makes many extraordinary claims, the bulk of which would need to be supported if he isn't to be seen as an exaggerator at best.

By the way, you are a dickhead. (I just wanted to make an ad hominem attack so you know what it is for next time.)

Submitted by whatthebleephead (not verified) on 07 Jul 2011 - 07:17 Permalink

asking for evidence is an ad-hominem? I can only guess that you were holding back the "evidecne" (your not the only one who can use scare quotes) and waiting for someone to ask for it so you can call them passive aggressive and lazy. You write a lot and say very little, you still didn't provide the evidence that these celebrities claim to have found that proves the possibility of mind over matter. Who is disputing E=mc2 though and who thought copernicus a kook? that was your most specious claim
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 07 Jul 2011 - 10:52 Permalink

Some scientists believe in God while others are atheists, so the formula that Professor X says Y is worthless.


As the delightfully-named whatthebleephead says, dropping a lot of names without citing specific papers or other publications does not move the argument on. If you know what these no doubt fine chaps said, then don't hold back: show us.

But we'll want to see specific evidence in support of what Young actually says, since even if these people do believe in mind over matter in some sense, that doesn't lead to the conclusion that Young's book has any substance either. Young makes many extraordinary claims, the bulk of which would need to be supported if he isn't to be seen as an exaggerator at best.

By the way, you are a dickhead. (I just wanted to make an ad hominem attack so you know what it is for next time.)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 07 Jul 2011 - 05:09 Permalink

Yes, "Phil YH" "Yet again, it seems to cause something I might able to handle well. I will have to pass on this one." I'll assume English is your seventh language, because if you proffer that you can ""handle (it) well" yet "will have to pass", either: 1. You failed the "English Comprehension and Expression" course you took at the local junior college. or 2. You are just another lemming/jackass who is too dumb/lazy/intellectually stunted to take time to research viable contrasting research by credible researchers and fall back to kissing Alfred's butt (which is saddest of all) to get your "approval pellet".
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 07 Jul 2011 - 01:10 Permalink

"Simply claiming that quantum physics, which I actually have read quite a lot about - though I wouldn't dare say I am anything other than an interested layman - supports Young, isn't any sort of argument. Evidence, that's what we want." Which is the exact ad-hominem passive-aggressive, lazy, non-response copout answer I expected from someone (you Alfred) who knows virtually nothing (your "interested layman") about the subject, but who is handy at acidic ("you can't prove God exists"), yet intellectually vacant responses. Who "believes it" Alfred? You want "examples"? Lookup William Tiller - Stanford PhD - Prof Emeritus Lookup John Hagelin - PhD - Dartmouth Und. - MIT/Harvard Masters/PhD Lookup Fred Alan Wolf - PhD UCLA - Nat'l Book award - Univ London, Univ Paris etc Lookup Nick Herbert PhD - Stanford Can go on and on. So let me pre-empt any more continued ignorance - I mean "skepticism" on your part: If you want to make "arguments" as if no one of "substance" and "science" believes in the powers of the mind to alter matter and reality you'd be well served to do some cursory research before spouting off to denigrate something and winding up looking like an even more ignorant jackass. Not everyone that passes through the net (particularly YOUR site) is a malleable, uninformed, lemming/idiot/goofball that can be browbeaten into a compliant view Alfred. Why not expand that brain, of which you're so in love with demonstrating the prowess, and attempt to understand something that you have mistakenly dismissed as foolish? As the bible says (1 Corinthians 1:27): "God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise". You're being very wise at this point Alfred. BTW - Go Copernicus! (PS. Alfred - Van Gogh's artwork never made any money until after he was dead. We also see how THAT turned out; don't we?)
Submitted by whatthebleephead (not verified) on 07 Jul 2011 - 07:17 Permalink

asking for evidence is an ad-hominem? I can only guess that you were holding back the "evidecne" (your not the only one who can use scare quotes) and waiting for someone to ask for it so you can call them passive aggressive and lazy. You write a lot and say very little, you still didn't provide the evidence that these celebrities claim to have found that proves the possibility of mind over matter. Who is disputing E=mc2 though and who thought copernicus a kook? that was your most specious claim
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 07 Jul 2011 - 10:52 Permalink

Some scientists believe in God while others are atheists, so the formula that Professor X says Y is worthless.


As the delightfully-named whatthebleephead says, dropping a lot of names without citing specific papers or other publications does not move the argument on. If you know what these no doubt fine chaps said, then don't hold back: show us.

But we'll want to see specific evidence in support of what Young actually says, since even if these people do believe in mind over matter in some sense, that doesn't lead to the conclusion that Young's book has any substance either. Young makes many extraordinary claims, the bulk of which would need to be supported if he isn't to be seen as an exaggerator at best.

By the way, you are a dickhead. (I just wanted to make an ad hominem attack so you know what it is for next time.)

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 06 Jul 2011 - 10:30 Permalink

I would think that someone as "intelligent" as you obviously like to believe that you are, would have enough intellectual curiosity to have run into (and actually read) at least one white paper from at least one credible modern physicist that substantiates Mr. Young's information.

Go on, then, name one. Bet you can't. Simply claiming that quantum physics, which I actually have read quite a lot about - though I wouldn't dare say I am anything other than an interested layman - supports Young, isn't any sort of argument. Evidence, that's what we want. There certainly isn't any in the book. Painting me as a reactionary trying to hold back the advanced forces of science led by yourself and Young is a particularly idiotic notion.

You don't appear to know the difference between bluster and argument, so I am not expecting much.

If Young is the Copernicus of a new science, I am Vincent Van Gogh.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 06 Jul 2011 - 02:58 Permalink

Alfred, Normally I wouldn't bother to comment on world viewpoints that are as obviously asinine as yours typically are, but for some reason I felt compelled to do so this time. If you think that there are no people out in the world with advanced psychic powers you are delusional - and at best unrealistic. There are several things that stand out: You are woefully ignorant of physics beyond the Newtonian model. Prominent physicists from MIT, Stanford and Oxford (as well as other "prominent" institutions of higher knowledge) have soundly declared that what they have learned in the last 10 about Quantum physics has virtually debunked Einstien's E=MC2 theory of light and relativity. I'm not one to call people out, but you may seem intelligent to the "pitchfork and torch" level-of-knowledge-about-advanced-physics folks that typically post on this board, but to anyone who has any true depth of knowledge about the subject knows that the power of psychokinesis defies the limits that were previously believed about space, time and matter. You have demonstrated that you have obviously: - Not read the book in full with comparative exposure to advanced quantum mechanics - Know next to nothing about current quantum physics studies - Are fairly (very) close-minded You appear to not have the capacity to understand anything you are not approved to think as dictated by public education standards. However, you do possess the ability to sound rational and intelligent to people who do not know any better. I would think that someone as "intelligent" as you obviously like to believe that you are, would have enough intellectual curiosity to have run into (and actually read) at least one white paper from at least one credible modern physicist that substantiates Mr. Young's information. In other words, you are a blowhard (and I do mean hard) who thinks that he knows more than he actually does - and patently refuses to attempt to find out more. That is the definition of an "arrogant fool". For those of you who choose to actually READ Mr. Young's book before dismissing it, don't be dissuaded by the ignorant blowhards on this board. Its for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. P.S. People thought Copernicus was a kook too. Look how that turned out.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 06 Jul 2011 - 10:30 Permalink

I would think that someone as "intelligent" as you obviously like to believe that you are, would have enough intellectual curiosity to have run into (and actually read) at least one white paper from at least one credible modern physicist that substantiates Mr. Young's information.

Go on, then, name one. Bet you can't. Simply claiming that quantum physics, which I actually have read quite a lot about - though I wouldn't dare say I am anything other than an interested layman - supports Young, isn't any sort of argument. Evidence, that's what we want. There certainly isn't any in the book. Painting me as a reactionary trying to hold back the advanced forces of science led by yourself and Young is a particularly idiotic notion.

You don't appear to know the difference between bluster and argument, so I am not expecting much.

If Young is the Copernicus of a new science, I am Vincent Van Gogh.

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 09 May 2011 - 23:20 Permalink

Useful info? If you like pretentious forms of mental training, why not buy a book on NLP instead? Cheaper, and just as good. The gobbledygook won't be quite as overblown, but you can still get your fix of variably worthwhile advice dressed up with pseudoscientific drivel.

Submitted by Jon1 (not verified) on 09 May 2011 - 22:16 Permalink

Heavy 60s language (purple prose) but lots of useful info. Expensive copies on Amazon.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 09 May 2011 - 23:20 Permalink

Useful info? If you like pretentious forms of mental training, why not buy a book on NLP instead? Cheaper, and just as good. The gobbledygook won't be quite as overblown, but you can still get your fix of variably worthwhile advice dressed up with pseudoscientific drivel.

Submitted by Joseph Asare (not verified) on 29 Apr 2011 - 16:02 Permalink

AU GOLD FOR SALE. We are looking for dealers/buyers of Alluvial Gold dust product who can buy in large quantity or that can be our agent. Any interested dealer/buyer should contact us for negotiation and arrangement for the sale. Our prices are as modest as can be found any where in the world and better because we are direct local miners from the Village. We are capable of producing 150KG-250KG every month and will likely increase the quantity if there is need. Following quantities/qualities are; Quantity: Minimum of 150KG-250KG per month. 1. Product: AU metal (Gold Dust/Bullion) . 2. Origin: Ghana, West Africa. 3. Purity: 99.88% or better 4. Price: US$38,000.00 PER KILO {Negotiable} 5.Payment: FOB GHANA 6. Availability: 200 Kilos currently available. Best regards, Mr. Joseph Asare GOLD FARMS MINING COMPANY LTD (+233-5496-87760) (
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 08 Apr 2011 - 23:30 Permalink

I would be staying way clear of this book if you don't want to get into dangerous territory - sounds like Satan's demon's territory to me and he only wants to kill you steal from you and rob you !!
Submitted by Joseph A (not verified) on 01 Apr 2011 - 21:05 Permalink

GOLD FARMS MINING COMPANY LTD AU GOLD FOR SALE. We are looking for dealers/buyers of Alluvial Gold dust product who can buy in large quantity or that can be our agent. Any interested dealer/buyer should contact us for negotiation and arrangement for the sale. Our prices are as modest as can be found any where in the world and better because we are direct local miners from the Village. We are capable of producing 150KG-250KG every month and will likely increase the quantity if there is need. Following quantities/qualities are; Quantity: Minimum of 150KG-250KG per month. 1. Product: AU metal (Gold Dust/Bullion) . 2. Origin: Ghana, West Africa. 3. Purity: 92.88% or better 4. Price: US$28,000.00 PER KILO {Negotiable} Payment: FOB GHANA 5. Availability: 200 Kilos currently available. Best regards, Mr. Joseph Asare GOLD FARMS MINING COMPANY LTD (+233-5496-87760) P.O.BOX GHP 33, ACCRA,GHANA (
Submitted by ThankYouMaskedMan (not verified) on 08 Mar 2011 - 02:58 Permalink

I want to thank all of the posters above, on all sides of the argument. I have found your discussion entertaining. I really enjoy living in a world where people are willing share their thoughts on topics that they accept on faith as true: Whether that be quantum physics or psychic horns. This world and this conversation is stimulating and fun. Thanks again.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 01 Mar 2011 - 23:57 Permalink

I once bought the "Mike Marvel" course (FRY's Isometrics) when I was a kid and to be honest, it didn't do a single thing for my muscles. Weightlifting, however, grew them substantially. Isn't it almost confounding that there would be a sound scientific explanation (hypertrophy through increased protein synthesis, due to adaptive mechanisms, responding to over exertion of nerves and micro-damage to muscle tissue) for what actually worked, and a load of hysterically inaccurate assertions (Listen, Chum! I know a super secret exercise...) suporting what didn't? As far as "remote viewing" and all that military stuff between the Russians and the US goes, read "The Men Who Stare At Goats." The people in charge of that stuff were shell shocked psychedelic drug users, and the budget was laughably small. Most of the real work was "PR image brainstorming" aimed at making the US army seem more apealing to Hippies who ascribed credibility to New Age doctrines. The people involved may have thought otherwise, but one notable comment on the program by senior military officials referred to it as "utter non-sense" and the purpose of the unit was constantly called into question. Seriously, folks. I wasted $5.00 plus s/h as a 12 year old on silly exercises, are you seriously thinking of wasting substantial money to learn how to cast spells with your "hot rods" as an adult? Sheesh!
Submitted by Carlos L Irizarry (not verified) on 17 Feb 2011 - 04:22 Permalink

I started reading his other moronic book. "The Laws of Mental Domination", and couldn't justify another wasted minute. My impression is if your self esteem is incredibly low, reading the pure fantastic bull in the book, AND wanting desperately to believe in it, will give you the temporary benefit of improving your self esteem. If this is sustained for some time, the net result will be an improvement in self worth (judged only by you) that will benefit you. But thinking you somehow got superhuman mental powers, will show little evidence at the end of the day. At that time you will collapse in despair, or (I hope so) realize that your gains were not product of Young brain washing, but the result of daring and learning to be more assertive. It is this latter one that you had in you all the time and Young books were only the crutch that helped you dare to try. There is no magic or trick that will develop your mind into a tool of domination. This is achieved by power, money or personality. Politics and how you treat people, how you socialize and relate to them is far more helpful that imagining a person is a slave in your mind, and that by projecting your desires for a few seconds will make them do your bidding. These paragraphs will do you more good than all of Young books together... and its free!
Submitted by Binky (not verified) on 10 Jan 2011 - 22:07 Permalink

Alfred my good man, seeing as you have copies of these works would you like to sell me them? This amusing turn of conversation has piqued my curiosity as to what could have got two strangers so worked up on the internet.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 04 Jan 2011 - 15:41 Permalink

Oh yeah, and "famous author" Brad Steiger thinks that lens flare is an aura. Go here and scroll down to the pictures below the title "The Divine Fire". What a prune.

Submitted by joblesse oblige (not verified) on 04 Jan 2011 - 12:57 Permalink

I'm inclined to wonder if all these commentators trying to 'big-up' the Parker Publishing titles are book dealers - anxious to keep the demand up.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 04 Jan 2011 - 11:35 Permalink

Exercises, presumably including the instruction to "take deep breaths to saturate yourself with electrons". Taking deep breaths might well be useful, but the addition of the nonsensical reference to electrons is there purely to make it sound more scientific. In other words, it's hokum.

And that link? Astonishingly, it's to another page in the same vein of overwrought bullshit. What a buffoon you are.

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 04 Jan 2011 - 10:37 Permalink

The original "007" was a magician and spy for the Queen of England in the 16th and 17th centuries. His name was John Dee. True story.

The fact that you include this snippet of non-information in your ramblings says it all really. You seem to have the same disease of the mind as Young, one which says that piling on a load of a unsupported and often unrelated assertions amounts to an argument.

Young may well have been an amazing physical specimen, he may even have known a lot about Yoga, but that doesn't mean he could move objects with his mind or that he was in any other way "psychic".

There's been a lot of wild nonsense talked about Young and this book, but so what? A carney barker announces there's a two-headed woman inside the tent. According to you, the rest of us should believe in this wonder, just because you say so. As for it being dangerous, I am prepared to risk that: prove it.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 04 Jan 2011 - 08:49 Permalink

Here's the correct link for the young "Mike Marvel" photo and the senior Frank R. Young photo. The super endurance feats this advertiser describes are done with some very simple and valuable exercises contained in Cyclomancy.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 04 Jan 2011 - 11:35 Permalink

Exercises, presumably including the instruction to "take deep breaths to saturate yourself with electrons". Taking deep breaths might well be useful, but the addition of the nonsensical reference to electrons is there purely to make it sound more scientific. In other words, it's hokum.

And that link? Astonishingly, it's to another page in the same vein of overwrought bullshit. What a buffoon you are.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 04 Jan 2011 - 03:40 Permalink

Tengri. Thank you for your amazing insights. So very true. The entire billion dollar nlp, seduction and to a large extent the modern radionics revival is being powered by the old, mostly out of print but still available Parker Publishing Company books. The books of Frank R. Young, "The Einstein of The Occult", are among the most powerful of any of them. Amazing about how one of the female authors was the source of "Remote Viewing" (clairvoyance and out of body projection). The Russians wrote a technical manual 500 pages long on the Astral Body. It was named "The Bio Plasmic Body" I believe and deeply scientific because when it was written mysticism was a capital offense. These things are very real and the ignorance the average person has as regards it is orchestrated for obvious reasons. Fear of loss of power and control. The Russians even weighed the astral body (bio-plasmic body) after F.R.Y. and his family did. It's precisely 3/4s of an ounce. Fact not faith. So as anyone who can point and click can discover FOR THEMSELVES, Governments have always made aggressive use of psychic and magic powers while dumbing down the general population with the circus (sports, TV and Hollywood). Don't settle for arguments and flame wars when you can do your own research and don't try to convince the profane. THIS KNOWLEDGE ISN'T FOR EVERYONE, IT DEFENDS ITSELF AND IT IS DANGEROUS IF USED RECKLESSLY. So very true that a Little Goes a Long Way. I speak from personal experience and will not answer your emails so don't bother. The original "007" was a magician and spy for the Queen of England in the 16th and 17th centuries. His name was John Dee. True story. So you see it doesn't matter what the unfaithful say and why trouble yourself about that? Show some self control and let the unfaithful be as they are after all we're speaking of mental disciplines and yoga. Frank Rudolph Young was one of the most interesting and mysterious men of the 20th Century. A real Jedi Master if ever there was one. F.R.Y. had an interesting alias as a young handsome anatomical model. "Mike Marvel" became famous to a generation of fans of isometric body building. On this website you can see a picture of him as a young man and as a senior in his 70s: The only interview that exists is in a book by famous author, Brad Steiger. The book is called Psychic Chicago and it contains another photograph of the man of mystery man: Yeah, I know. Don't you ladies all swoon at once. lol Here is a list of glowing testimonies for the most popular of the 11 or 13 books written by Frank R. Young that are translated and sold around the world: Last but not least, here is a post by John Peterson who is a world famous author and trainer of "physical culture". John and his students are uninterested in the occult powers of FRY for the most part (actually some are interested however that isn't their focus in the following post.). You see Frank walked the talk and looked like a million bucks til the day he died. So I repeat. Don't defend Frank Rudolph Young. His immortality speaks for itself. God bless. "Hey Friends, Yesterday a man e-mailed this question to me about Chiropractor Frank Rudolph Young's books wondering if he included Push-Ups in his training routines. The Answer is a very affirmative Y-E-S, yet not in the way you may think. Here's the deal. Frank Rudolph Young was brilliant. He compiled many exercises and concepts from Yoga (Maxick), Charles Atlas, Alois P Swoboda, and of course his own personal study. He was an expert in the field of muscular anatomy and applied physiology and as such created some fascinating exercise variations (that were based in what we call DVR/VRT & Isometrics though he never called them by those names) that placed the muscles in unique positions ( that he referred to as their "best angle of Pull") that allowed one to obtain incredibly intense muscular contractions that could not be achieved in any other way. He strongly denounced weight training as a method of exercise believing that it destroyed the skeletal structure at the expense of superficially building it's muscles for a very limited time. By this Young was referring to the same thing that I often refer to as "Busted Up Weight Lifter Syndrome". ( For our new participants to our forum "Busted Up Weight Lifter Syndrome" is where a man lifts heavier and heavier weights over a period of years to achieve more intense muscular contractions not realizing that he is destroying and compressing his spinal discs while over taxing his joints, ligaments, and tendons. In time this type of training results in permanent injury for the vast majority of men and as a consequence the man can no longer train. One often sees this kind of man at social gatherings bragging about how much he used to be able to "bench". Such men are often so busted up and in so much pain that they can no longer train at all. To compensate they live in the past and brag about what they could once do.) Now back to Frank Rudolph Young. Yes, he taught certain Push-Up variations that I have seen no where else. Some were similar to Atlas style push-Ups in that they created an extended range of motion but the angles were different and they had to be performed exactly as described in order to perform them correctly. Many of his variations were very complex and worded in such a way that they were very difficult to understand. His two books with greatest number of Push-Up variations were 1) Yoga Secrets for Extraordinary Health and Long Life and 2) Somo-Psychic Power. Young also wrote many other books on Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) and Psychic (mind) development. In fact, during the 1980's when I became a certified NLP practitioner I was at a seminar during which the group facilitator was making outrageous claims about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) being an entirely new development in the field of neurological science. During a break I kindly told him that before he continues making those assertions in future seminars he should read Frank Rudolph Young's books because he would discover that Young taught many of the exact same concepts under different terminologies. Needless to say, he was amazed when I told him this. Bottom line: I believe Frank Rudolph Young was a genius. And in many ways way ahead of his time. . ---John Peterson" THIS KNOWLEDGE ISN'T FOR EVERYONE, IT DEFENDS ITSELF AND IT IS DANGEROUS IF USED RECKLESSLY. So very true that a Little Goes a Long Way. I speak from personal experience and will not answer your emails so don't bother.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 04 Jan 2011 - 15:41 Permalink

Oh yeah, and "famous author" Brad Steiger thinks that lens flare is an aura. Go here and scroll down to the pictures below the title "The Divine Fire". What a prune.

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 04 Jan 2011 - 10:37 Permalink

The original "007" was a magician and spy for the Queen of England in the 16th and 17th centuries. His name was John Dee. True story.

The fact that you include this snippet of non-information in your ramblings says it all really. You seem to have the same disease of the mind as Young, one which says that piling on a load of a unsupported and often unrelated assertions amounts to an argument.

Young may well have been an amazing physical specimen, he may even have known a lot about Yoga, but that doesn't mean he could move objects with his mind or that he was in any other way "psychic".

There's been a lot of wild nonsense talked about Young and this book, but so what? A carney barker announces there's a two-headed woman inside the tent. According to you, the rest of us should believe in this wonder, just because you say so. As for it being dangerous, I am prepared to risk that: prove it.

Submitted by Lord Turk (not verified) on 31 Dec 2010 - 04:54 Permalink

I remember finding this book at a yard sale in Nebraska in the 1970s when I was a kid. I studied it and read it over and over again with only a spark of true belief motivating me through all of my childish incredulity. Imagine my astonishment when, one unremarkable day, it actually began to work. By that time I was in highschool and full of hormones. Youthful urges and extraordinary power were not a healthy mix. I began to grasp for more and more, finding other books of power, using it to dominate others. By the time I was 16 I had become mad with power. by then I had taken dominion over an entire nation. I can still smell the smoke from the offerings my people gave me. I demanded sacrifices, first animals then humans until one fifth of all the children in the land had been cut into pieces on the altars below my throne and who's blood had spilled down my great stepped pyramid. During that time I impregnated millions of women, devoured food worth the sustenance of whole cities for years, enslaved the free and crushed the proud beneath my jeweled sandals. It was on a trip into space, where I beheld the mysteries of the great storm of Jupiter for my 18th birthday that it came to me that I just wanted to be a normal human, triumphing at life without cheating with magic tricks discovered by someone else that I decided to give it all up. I went back to Nebraska and my old life. I hope this is a good enough warning to anyone who takes this book lightly.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 30 Dec 2010 - 10:16 Permalink

Yes, indeed.

Except you can't acquire x-ray vision simply through honesty, can you? For that you need to use the terrible power of Belief in Bullshit.

Thanks for the comment, Ed. It's nice to hear a sane voice in these parts.

Submitted by Dr. Ed Viktor (not verified) on 30 Dec 2010 - 10:13 Permalink

The book relays on positive thinking and body langauge. When you start to read into it the thoughts he wants you to produce will change your outward self and produce a similar effect. This is a pointless book and you may aswell just be yourself when meeting people try honesty and positivity.
Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 30 Dec 2010 - 10:16 Permalink

Yes, indeed.

Except you can't acquire x-ray vision simply through honesty, can you? For that you need to use the terrible power of Belief in Bullshit.

Thanks for the comment, Ed. It's nice to hear a sane voice in these parts.