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Hercolubus, or Red Planet

V. M. Rabolú
Ángel Prats
Edition / Year
Free Edition, 2004
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Many of the books reviewed on this site are extremely hard to find and often as a result expensive, but for a change here's one that is both easy to obtain and supremely light on the purse. If you fill in a form on the website of the Alcyone Association, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the dissemination of this work, they will send you a copy completely free of charge in any one of the more than fifty languages it has been published in.

Hercolubus is a warning to all of us, completed in 1999 not long before the author V. M. Rabolú's death in 2000. In his preface he writes of the cost he bore in writing it:

I have written this book with great sacrifice, lying in bed unable to stand or to sit up. But seeing the need to warn Humanity of the coming catastrophe, I made a great effort. 

I dedicate this message to Humanity, as a last resort, because there is nothing else to do.

The peril that he was warning us about may be guessed at from the title of the book, but if that is not enough of a clue, then the cover illustration, which depicts a huge red ball hurtling across space towards the Earth, surely gives the game away. This is the fearful Hercolubus, a giant planet "five or six times larger than Jupiter" which is on course to wipe us all out "very shortly". 

You might wonder why if such a monstrous astronomical object is bearing down on us, the alarm has not been raised by scientists. The truth is that they do know about it, but they have severely underestimated the level of threat:

According to some accounts, scientists have even calculated its weight, and they say it is so many tonnes and has a certain diameter, as if it were a child's toy, but this is not the case. Hercolubus or Red Planet is five or six times larger than Jupiter. It is a gigantic mass, which cannot be stopped or deflected.

The Earth’s inhabitants regard it as a toy, but in fact it is the beginning of the end for the planet Earth. It is already here. The other worlds of our solar system know this and are making every effort to help us avoid this catastrophe. However, nobody will be able to stop it. This is the punishment we deserve, to put an end to so much evil.

I state that Hercolubus is a creation like our world. It is inhabited by its own Humanity, which is as perverse as our own. Each planet, each world has its own Humanity. Scientists should not believe that they can attack and disintegrate Hercolubus. Its inhabitants also have weapons, which can retaliate and wipe us out instantly. If they are attacked, they will defend themselves and the end will come much more quickly,

Scary, right? But there is more to come, closer to home. As a result of nuclear testing, the Earth itself is already teetering on the brink of a different catastrophe:

As cracks develop, tidal waves, earthquakes and frightening occurrences in water and on land will take place. There will not be a single coastal town that will not be devastated. Our planet will begin sinking into the ocean because the Earth’s axis has already been shifted due to all the tests that are being carried out.

The Earth’s axis has already shifted from its position and through tremors, earthquakes and tidal waves it will become completely loose and then sink. Do not imagine, dear reader, that the planet will sink suddenly. This will be a long, slow, distressing and painful process, through which Humanity will have to go. It will sink piece by piece into the ocean until it reaches its end. 

This doesn't sound good, even if the mechanics involved are a little puzzling. What is to be done? If our scientists are all useless, as Rabolú repeatedly asserts, maybe the other inhabitants of our solar system might lend us a hand. Fortunately, he's well acquainted with them and their ways:

I have had contact with extraterrestrials many times. I have been to Venus and Mars by consciously travelling in my Astral Body and can bear witness to these marvellous inhabitants. I cannot find words to describe their wisdom their culture and the angelic life that they live. 

He can't find words, and yet by some miracle he continues to utter them:

The Venusians have perfect bodies: a broad forehead, blue eyes, straight nose, blond hair and an astonishing intelligence. They are more or less between 1.3 and 1.4 metres tall. Nobody is taller or shorter. There are no potbellies and you do not see deformed people. Everybody has an angelic figure. There is perfection in men and women because it is a planet with an ascendant, superior Humanity. There are no monsters like those you can see here.

They wear wide belts full of red, blue and yellow buttons all around that flash like a lighthouse. If they are in danger, they press a master switch, like a buckle on a belt. Just by pressing it a circle of fire is formed which can destroy a bullet and everything that enters its vicinity. 

Venusians can all read each other's minds, with the consequence that they don't need to order at a restaurant. They are all resolutely heterosexual and, moreover, they "unite sexually to have children without fornication". Everything on Venus is extremely orderly and, if that sounds a little dull, remember that nobody works more than two hours a day. Still, if it's not quite your bag, surely Mars must have something more to offer the visitor? What say you, V. M. Rabolú?

Life on Mars is exactly the same as on Venus.

Oh well. However, at least the inhabitants are physically distinct from those of their neighbour planet:

Martians have stronger bodies than Venusians, visibly tougher, for they belong to the Ray of Strength.

On Mars everybody wears a soldier's uniform: shield, helmet and suit of armour, All these war clothes are made of a material similar to bronze. They stand out because they are warriors to the core, but not warriors as we would call here. There are no wars amongst them or with the other planets. Their war is against evil, to defeat evil, not against one other. 

Finally the good news: the people of Mars and Venus are ready to rescue us in their interplanetary spaceships, which are marvels of advanced technology:

All interplanetary spaceships move with solar energy. They are made from a material which does not exist here and which is resistant to bullets and to everything. They are made in one piece and have no soldered joints or rivets. They are controlled by switches.

They have two horizontal pipes made of a light material very similar to aluminium but shinier and stronger, which does not exist on this planet. These pipes run through the spacecraft from the front to the rear. At the front solar energy enters and at the back the burned energy comes out. These are the fiery tails that the ships leave behind as they fly.

Fantastic, how do I book my seat?

The interplanetary spaceships of the extraterrestrials are ready and prepared to take off and to rescue all those people who work according to the formula that is given in this book. They know, so it is not necessary to call them because they know us inside out. When the time comes the rescue will take place in these ships. There are very few who will succeed, and we can count them on our fingers. This is because nobody wants to work and instead they intellectualise everything.

Prepare, then, to stop intellectualising for a place in the spaceship queue. Fortunately, it turns out there is little need for intellectual effort in following Rabolú's formula, which has only two simple steps:

  1. The Death.
  2. Astral Projection.

Now, I know what you're thinking, but happily "The Death" is only a metaphorical one, the death of the ego, or "the disintegration of the defects" as Rabolú quaintly puts it:

Negative details like bad thoughts, hatred, envy we feel towards other people, ambition, greed, pinching coins and insignificant things, telling lies, speaking while full of pride - well, all these things which are basically negative are what we must start to disintegrate in a serious way.

There is another Divine Spark within us, called the Divine Mother. Her task is to disintegrate the defects with a lance she has. However small the detail may be, you need to ask the inner DIVINE MOTHER: ‘My Mother, pull this defect out of me and disintegrate it with your lance’. She will do so, because it is her task to help us in this manner so that we can liberate ourselves. [...]

What I am teaching here is to be put into practice, into action. Wherever you go, whether you are working or whatever you are doing, you need to pay attention to the mind, the heart and the sexual centre. These are the three centres where every defect manifests itself. When an element is manifesting, through any one of these three centres, the petition to the Divine Mother must follow immediately, so that she can disintegrate it.

Through this work of the death of the ego that I am explaining, we gain Scientific Chastity and we learn to love Humanity. 

(A humanity, let us remember, mostly doomed to destruction by the imminent arrival of Hercolubus. Still, I am sure the unlucky ones left behind will appreciate our warm fellow-feeling as we jump aboard a spaceship and wave them goodbye.)

Having mastered The Death, with all our defects freshly disintegrated, the final item on the syllabus is Astral Projection, which as Rabolú explains, is a process that is easily within the grasp of the ordinary person even as it brings them knowledge that is far beyond the ordinary:

As we speak about the astral, I want to ask you whether you have dreamed about people who passed away years ago, about places and people you do not know physically. This is what people normally call dreams: ‘Last night I dreamt such a thing’. However, nobody stops to think about why they have dreamed about other regions or places while the physical body was resting in bed.

This is the Astral Plane or Fifth Dimension, where neither weight nor distances exist, and to which the Astral Body belongs. This is a body exactly like the physical, but made of energy, which moves at great speed like a thought and is able to investigate anything we like in the Universe.

In the Fifth Dimension we move and explore, and we know what the Angels, the Virgin and all the Hierarchies are; they move, speak and teach a Wisdom that is not written in books and is beyond the human mind. When you want to know for yourself what it is that people call Occultism, the Fifth Dimension is where you can know it, and then it stops being occult. 

The important thing is not to leave the physical body unconsciously, asleep, but to leave it consciously and move completely at will. My dearest reader, if you are going to put into practice the astral projection, I will give you mantras that I have used and I know they give positive results. A mantra is a magic word that allows us to leave the physical body and return to it, fully conscious.

All one has to do is to lie down and relax then repeat the magic word, first out loud then in one's mind.  After a while you will feel yourself floating away, and that's it: you are engaged in astral projection. Rabolú gives us two mantras, presumably one being a spare in case the other breaks down:

Mantra LA RA S: This mantra is pronounced so that the sound of each syllable is prolonged: Lilllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 
Rrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaa (rolling the ‘r’)
Ssssssssssssssssssssssssss (like a hiss)

Another mantra for projecting with the astral body is FA RA ON

Rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaa (rolling the ‘r’)

If this is all it takes to escape the impending catastrophe that is Hercolubus, it seems little enough, yet even so, given the prospect of spending the rest of one's life with the puritanical telepathic conformists that inhabit our neighbouring planets, surviving on pizzas ordered up by thought alone while observing Scientific Chastity, that course may not seem altogether appealing. 

Maybe we should just embrace our doom. We probably deserve it, after all. Let us adopt a stoical mien, let us face obliteration with dignity, and, with due apologies to Jimmy Pursey, let us sing out our own mantra, one to summon the end of earthly life: "Hurry up Hercolubus, caaahm on".

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