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The Truth About Demons

Ralph Woodrow
The Author
Edition / Year
2nd, 1962?
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This book is one of the most complete books on the subject of Demonology in print today! Amazing, timely, scriptural!

So says the front cover of this self-published pamphlet by Ralph Woodrow, which could be had direct from the author in Riverside, California, for the price of $1. The date of its original publication is uncertain, but there is a reference to it in the San Francisco Examiner for 23 January 1963, so 1962 seems like a fair bet. (Woodrow, born in 1939, would have been 23 and the picture of him looks credible as that of a man in his 20s.)

As this is such an important subject, one surely vital to an understanding of man's place in the universe, let us go carefully through Woodrow's work, with some words on each chapter in turn.

1. The Truth About Demons

There is a lot of trouble in the world, Woodrow says, and the root of it is SIN. Sin was originated when Lucifer aka Satan revolted against God and there was war in heaven. Satan works through demons to perpetuate "troubles, trials, and tribulations in the world today". Demons are generally invisible, but that does not make them any the less real. For those struggling with this concept, Woodrow presents some deep and insightful arguments:

In the natural [world] there are many reasons why we can not see certain things even though they are realities. DISTANCE could be a factor. The farther away things are, the less distinctly we can see them. If the distance becomes great enough, they disappear altogether. SIZE can also prevent us from seeing things. The smaller things are, the harder they are to see. If small enough, they escape our vision altogether. SPEED could hinder our vision. The faster the object moves, the harder it is to see. If this movement is fast enough, the object becomes invisible. The spokes of a wheel in motion or a revolving airplane propeller would be two examples of this, AMOUNT OF LIGHT can also cause things to be invisible to us. If a light is too bright, we can not see because our vision is dazzled. Neither can we see anything if there is go little light that it becomes dark. Still other things that could render objects invisible would include obstructions, imperfections in sight, transparency, and rate of vibration. I have said these things to show that we can not deny that something is real just because we can not see it. These natural facts can apply to spiritual things as well. But even if we didn’t have such reasoning in the natural or other evidence of the reality or demons, I would still believe in their reality because God has revealed their existence in the Bible. And if demons are not real, then what power is it behind all the evil in the world today?

Demons might be small, or far away, like the cows in Father Ted, but never mind why they are generally unseen, the Bible says they are real and, therefore, they are.

Father Ted explains cows to Father Dougal

Nevertheless, although demons may be invisible to most of us, some lucky few have seen them so it would seem fair to ask what they look like.

A demon may appear to have a square chin, a pointed chin, or no chin at all. Another appears to have bulging eyes, squint eyes, cat-like eyes, or eyes like a serpent. One has ears as long as his head or large ears that stand out from his head. Another has a stub nose, large pug nose, or very crooked nose. A demon may appear to have animal teeth or large protruding teeth, a beast-like mouth, and whiskers on the chin. Their bodies are just as ugly and out of shape as their faces. Where no hair appears on their bodies, it is scaley. It has been said that the worst looking man on earth is better looking than the best looking demon in its actual degraded form. Some are very, very small; others are bigger than human. 

Little wonder they stay mainly out of sight. But they are definitely real, and Woodrow cites a case of "a girl who was bitten by demons", probably Clarita Villaneuava, a native of the Philippines who was supposedly exorcised by the missionary Lester Sumrall.

2. The Two Sources of Supernatural Power

The supernatural realm is a duopoly and on the switching app where you may choose between providers there are only two to choose from: God and Satan. Those who offer services in this realm who aren't connected to God must be in league with the Other Place. Those of the devil's party include fortune-tellers, witches and spiritualists, not to mention a class of street magicians that the ignorant might consider to be mere illusionists:

Demons, using magicians, can show visions of deception to a large crowd. In India and other heathen countries, a magician may throw a rope into the air, It remains suspended straight up. Then someone will climb it. Others may become invisible or set a brush pile on fire by speaking a word. These magicians are partakers of "the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (II Thess. 2:9, 10). These demon miracles deceive many and only lead their victims into deeper bondage.

Woodrow, who has clearly no respect for the Magician's Code, thus blithely gives away the secret behind the illusion, which is that it's all done with demons.

God, on the other hand, can work greater miracles because he knows more than Satan does about atoms.

First of all, we understand that all matter is composed of atoms. Everything in existence is made from 96 different kinds of chemical elements or atoms. These atoms are very small. A million of them could be put on the point of a pin and still be unseen. And atoms are made up of even smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. Nevertheless, since all material things are composed of atoms, then all miracles would involve atoms. No doubt it is by changing, replacing, disintegrating or compressing atoms that miracles were performed throughout the Bible. By these methods, mountains could be moved, the multitudes fed, and the maimed—those with parts of their body absent—be made whole, completely restored. By replacement of atoms, Lot’s wife was turned into a salt pillar (Gen. 19:26), and water was turned into wine (John 2:3). 

A former minister, a pal of Woodrow's had a spiritualism habit, as he recalls somewhat vaingloriously:

“Before my conversion to Jesus Christ, I studied spiritualism, It wasn’t long until I could place my hands on a table, tell it to move, and it would. I have seen tables walk, get on the couch, and do various other things. To my wife and I, as well as other friends, this was quite entertaining. Little did I realize then—as I do now—that this was the work of demons. We would ask the table questions and the answer would come ‘yes’ or ‘no’ according to the tappings designated. We would ask such questions as, ‘How many coins are there in my pocket?’ Without exception the answer would be tapped out correctly. Once we asked how many steps were on the city courthouse—the answer we did not know ourselves. Immediately the tappings came, counting out the number. We went down to the courthouse to see, and the answer was exactly right."

OK mate, we get it, you were the world champ of spiritualism but you gave it all up for Jesus. Those demons must have been absolutely gutted.

3. Demon Worshippers

Those who fall into this category include "heathens", of course, alongside people with tattoos, cross-dressers and devotees of modern jazz.

4. Where Do Demons Live?

Woodrow's answer is "haunted houses". In support of this proposition he recounts the case of George Leek, an unemployed bricklayer from North Shields, England, who in August 1960 asked his local vicar to exorcise the council flat in which he and his family lived. 

An interesting newspaper clipping was handed to me some time ago telling of a family in England who complained that their house was haunted. The ghost even joined them in watching T. V. programs! The headline reads: “TV-Watching Ghost Waits for Nightly Wild Western Show.” The story is as follows: “History’s first television-viewing ghost flitted eerily around the home of George Leek and his family today waiting for its nightly fare of private eye and western programs. The ghost — invisible but given to making chuckling noises—joined the TV circle at the Leek household in the town of North Shields several months ago. The visitation alarmed the Leeks but they could not find another apartment so they accepted the haunt as a sort of unwelcome lodger and told only a few close friends about it. But in ghosts, as in humans, familiarity apparently breeds contempt. The spook advanced from simply making sounds to touching the Leeks. ‘The noises were bad enough but this is going too far,’ snapped Mrs. Leek. ‘The ghost bothers us night and day. Why on one occasion I was admiring @ woman’s hat on an afternoon television show when it brushed right across my face.’ The Leek phantom may have its place in psychic literature. It is one of the few ghosts alleged to haunt a new house — the apartment building is only three years old.” 

Woodrow's clipping came from one of the US papers, which picked up the story and ran with it after it went national in the UK. The US reports didn't bother to include a coda that can be found when one goes back to one of the original sources, The Journal of Newcastle upon Tyne from the 8th August, 1960:

The downstairs tenants, elderly Mr. and Mrs. George Gilhespie, told a reporter that they had never had any bother.

"I am a very light sleeper and I would certainly hear these things if they were happening," said Mrs. Martha Gilhespie. Said her husband: "I think it is a lot of nonsense".

Story in the Newcastle Journal, 8 Aug 1960

Demons can also live in animals, which Woodrow connects to the puzzling phenomenon of animals appearing to have unusual intellectual gifts. As an example, he cites "Clever Hans", a horse apparently capable of inexplicable feats of arithmetic, at least when his trainer was at hand giving him subliminal cues to start and stop "counting" by tapping a hoof.

Hans and his trainer Wilhelm von Osten

The most prized residence for demons is people, of course. The capacity for demon habitation that each person represents is variable: Woodrow states that someone can house between one and six thousand demons, an upper limit that suggests slum-like conditions. Demons must be desperate to live in such circumstances, I feel. Does nobody care about their wellbeing?

5. Demons of Insanity

Surprisingly, this isn't the title of Ralph Woodrow's Christian Metal album but an account of how demonic possession manifests itself in the form of mental illness. You can find examples in the Bible, like this striking story of how unqualified exorcists were taught a lesson:

One time, seven men, after seeing Paul cast out devils in the name of Jesus, thought they would try it too, They did not know Jesus as their Savior, but they thought the name of Jesus could be used as a charm. They commanded the demon to come out of a man in the name of “Jesus, whom Paul preacheth,” They didn’t have the power themselves, but they got the demon stirred up. The man went into a fit, “And the man in whom the evil spirit was, leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded” (Acts 19:16). These seven men went running home minus shirt and trousers! 

Whether they retained their trilbies and suede loafers, the Bible does not say.

6. Disease Demons

By this point, you are probably getting the impression that demons are not a good thing, but there's still plenty of awfulness to be revealed. Every ailment - whether it be those itchy bunions, the bad breath of that chap who sat by you on the bus, or the flatulence that Auntie Doris pretends is not hers - is probably caused by demons. The solution is a simple one, even if you are bent double by some awful bodily disorder, just dial up your local missionary and make an appointment for a casting-out procedure:

Missionaries today, who have ministered to hundreds of deformed people, declare that at least 85 percent of the deformity is caused by spirits of infirmity. The person may seem horribly deformed. But as soon as the evil spirit leaves them, they become perfectly normal. It’s just as easy as that! I know some will deny that deformity could be caused by demons, but Jesus aid so, and those who are casting out demons have made similar statements. I would rather believe those who have actually had experiences in this connection than those who have never cast a devil out in their life. 

Yeah, take that, sceptics! You may think you know what's what but have you exorcised a demon? 

7. Religious Demons

Demons "have inspired many religions" in their constant quest to divert people from the one true faith as represented by Ralph Woodrow. Amongst them are:

the religion of Buddah, Mohammed, Confuscius [sic], Zoroaster, Father Divine, Baha'i, Swedenborg, also Hindooism, Shintoism, Spiritualism, Unitarianism, Yogaism and Voodooism.

But this list pales beside the greatest of false religions, "mystery Babylon" or as it is better known, the Roman Catholic Church. Woodrow finds a wealth of Biblical evidence that Catholicism is actually demon-worship in disguise:


Purgatory is no where mentioned or taught in the word of God. Where did this teaching come from? It too came from Babylon! Purgatory was taught to be the place to “purify the soul after death.” Thus another Satanic Babylonian doctrine originated and passes in many circles as a Christian doctrine. Millions of dollars have been spent to have loved ones “prayed out of purgatory”’—a money making racket!

Babylon had its “confessional”; priests called “father” dressed in black; a Pope, nuns, and dungeon like convents!


The priests of this system were forbidden to marry. This is a doctrine of demons. Paul warned of those who would “give heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils ... forbidding to marry” (I Tim. 4:1-3). In this system people also abstained from certain meats on certain days, and Paul said this was a doctrine of devils also (1 Tim. 4:3). Paul warned of the observance of these pagan “days, and months, and times, and years” (Gal. 4:10).


The priests of Satan’s religion wore black garments. Many of them still do it to this day! Did you ever wonder why? In Babylon many sacrifices were made in honour of the demon-gods, and even human sacrifices were burned in the fire. Because the priests of Babylon continually attended these sacrificial fires—and since the smoke would not soil black as easily as other colors —these priests wore black clergy garments, Reference to Satan’s religion is made in Zephaniah 1:5 in which the word “chemarim” {s mentioned. What does this word “chemarim” mean? It refers to those ungodly priests of Satan’s religion who “went about in Black garments.” Obviously the wearing of black clergy garments did not start with Christ, but originated in Babylon.


These priests of Babylon were called “father.” The cry, “Be to us a father and a priest” (Judges 18:19) is still heard, even in our day! Since this practice of calling these priests “father” was part of Satan’s religion, Jesus said in speaking of religious leaders, “Call no man your father” (Matt. 23.9).

Another custom among certain members of the Babylonian priesthood was the tonsure. Webster defines tonsure thus: ‘The shaving a round spot on the crown of the head, practiced by certain Roman Catholic ecclesiastics to denote the priestly office.” This was a part of the demon worship of Babylon. And because this was a part of Satan’s religion, God warned, “They shall not make baldness upon their head” (Lev. 21:5). 

I hear you're a Satanist, now, Father.

8. Political Demons

Woodrow is disappointingly vague about who he has in mind here. There is the obligatory reference to "atheistic communism" before he has a crack at Hitler:

How did Adolf Hitler, for one example, gain such prominence? How did this Austrian paper hanger attain to the position of Fuehrer of Germany and set out to rule the world? What was the insane political force behind this man? It was no natural power. A strong demon entered into this dictator and gave him power and popularity. This can be said of almost every dictator that has ever gained power. Political demons are at work in high places to this day!

Remember those far-off days, when evangelicals were generally unenthusiastic about Nazis?

9. Powers Greater than Natural

Demons are so strong, they can overcome the will of those they possess and force them to commit terrible acts. Murder, suicide, gambling, lying, lust, drinking: all these societal ills can be blamed on demons.

Needless to say, one form of lust is worse than the others:

And not only do demons stir up lust toward the opposite sex, but the vile sins of sodomy are prevalent in the land. ‘God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves ... God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly ... God gave them over to a reprobate mind” (Rom. 1:24-28). It was this sin that brought the wrath of God upon Sodom and Gomorra (Gen. 19:4-11, 24). It is estimated that there are over eight million homosexuals in our nation alone. Those bound with this foul demon are called “Sodomites” in the Bible. This vile form of lust is certainly not natural—it is an unnatural power—a demon from the pit! 

10. How to Stay Free from Demons

By this point you may be thinking that there is little hope. From all we have learned so far, a person can hardly step out of doors to go to the shops without being set upon by legions of demons intent on their destruction. One seems almost bound to go mad, or be smitten with dropsy or drunkenness. Can you pass by a betting shop without a demon urging you in? (That Throwaway looks a sure thing. Drop the lot on it.) It would seem not, and if you manage to fight off that particular representative of Satan's hordes, then round the next corner there's another, winking an eye and wiggling his buttocks as he tempts you to sodomy.

But fear not, Ralph has the remedy.

Our minds must remain full of good things. Then there will be no room for the thoughts of demons. If we keep full of God, Satan will have no room to enter. 

Terry Jones as Mr Creosote
So full of God, no room for even a wafer-thin mint let alone a demon

If there ever was a man who stuffed his brain so full of Jesus there was no room for anything else, that man was Ralph Woodrow. Amen.

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Submitted by John Smartphone (not verified) on 22 Oct 2024 - 06:07 Permalink

Good review!

According to a 2019 YouGov survey 45% of Americans believe in demons and ghosts, while only 13% believe in vampires. So I would wager a good many people are going through life believing everything in this book is true. Also a more recent "RealClear Opinion Research" survey has 57% believing in aliens and 46% in witches. Which makes you wonder: If miracles, witches, ghosts and demons are all swarming around causing weird things to happen and possessing people, how do you know which is which? If your favorite politician is acting weird is he an alien, possessed by a ghost or demon, being messed around by witches or an agent of god? Doesn't seem like there would be much certitude in such a life to me.

Also if you're going to believe in ghosts why not vampires too? what's the harm in that? Comon people.